Content & Social Media Marketing Twitter Chat with Misty B. McPadden @mistygirlph #VCBuzz

Content marketing is the core of Viral Content Buzz because we are committed to promoting only non-promotional useful articles that add value to the web. Thus, there’s never enough chatting about content Today we have a well-known content marketing expertaaa

Social Media Awesomeness Twitter Chat with Dennis Yu @dennisyu #VCBuzz

Building a powerful social media following (and here I mean real following of people who want to hear from you and talk to you!) is tough and it takes lots of time and effort. It’s always great to talk toaaa

Earn Your Living by Doing What You Love: Writing. Twitter Chat with @SHurleyHall #VCBuzz

Viral Content Buzz is the content promotion platform, so I am sure most of our members love writing. Is there any way to earn your living by doing what you love? That’s exactly what our today’s expert does: Please meetaaa

Social Media Promotion Twitter Chat with Amanda Webb @Spiderworking #VCBuzz

Social media marketing is hard: It requires a lot of hard work and patience. Today’s chat will hopefully make it easier for you and give you some tools to get more productive. Please meet today’s guest Amanda Webb @Spiderworking ***Pleaseaaa

Growing Your Blog: Twitter Chat with Liudas Butkus @leduxx #VCBuzz

Growing your blog is hard but it’s doable! In our effort to inspire you to move forward, we are discussing keeping up with your blogging commitments today. Please meet our today’s expert @leduxx ***Please sign in here to follow theaaa

Chatting Content Virality with Wendy Kiana Kelly @wendykkelly #VCBuzz

Having your content go viral is hard, if not impossible (especially if you have a limited budget and can’t pay for lots of ads). Viral Content Buzz is helping you to put your content in front of eager social mediaaaa

Community Building Twitter Chat with @ErikEmanuelli #VCBuzz

Today at #VCBuzz Twitter chat we are learning an important lesson: How to build your own (mini-)community. I hope we’ll be able to use some of the tips to build @MyBlogU as well! Meet our today’s expert: @ErikEmanuelli ***Please signaaa

Writing Productivity Twitter chat with Diana Adams @adamsconsulting #VCBuzz

Writing productivity as a pressing issue for marketers these days: We need to provide a lot of great content to build a varied and solid streams of traffic. We discussed blogging efficiency and how @MyBlogU can help last week. Todayaaa

Authentic Social Media Sharing with Viral Content Buzz (User Testimonial)

Our valued user Wendy Kelly (who just mentioned us in her article) emailed me asking to share her Viral Content Buzz testimonial: I’m excited about this project. It seems like a great way to make sharing authentic. I hope thisaaa

LinkedIn Marketing Twitter Chat with @LukaszZelezny #VCBuzz

Linkedin is a great platform for business networking. We have already discussed it previously with Brian Hughes and we have more tips to share today! Let’s welcome our mentor @LukaszZelezny ***Please sign in here to follow the chat ->

ViralContentBuzz members' achievements and success stories!

Happy New Year, Viral Content Buzz #VCBuzz

December is the time to look back and sum up what the past year looked like for us. We’ll be devoting a couple of this month’s Twitter chats to our platform and what we’ve been doing to improve your experienceaaa

Social Media & PR: Twitter Chat with Alicia Lawrence @Alicia_Lw #VCBuzz

We’ve talked about social PR previously with @lisabuyer and today we have another great expert to teach us public relations! Please meet Alicia Lawrence @Alicia_Lw **To join us please sign in here -> About Alicia .@Alicia_Lw is writer foraaa

Digital Marketing Twitter Chat with @DholakiyaPratik #vcbuzz

Don’t forget that we are still waiting for you to enter our New Year’s blogging resolutions challenge! You can win $1000 by letting us help you achieve your goals – yes, that sounds as awesome as it is in theaaa

Viral Marketing Chat with Jesse Aaron @JesseAarone #VCBuzz

Quick announcement first! We have launched another #MBUstorm challenge! Win $1000 by brainstorming every day with us: Check the details here. Also, quick thanks to our partners: @MyBlogU, @BuzzStream, @sitegeekcom and @firstsiteguide. ***Please join the challenge to win $1000! Everyaaa