Today’s #Twitter chat is going to be different. We are showcasing the collection of articles that did very well on social media in order to give our community perfect examples of why it spread! We sourced 15 answers through MyBlogU.comaaa
You may know that a couple of weeks ago we announced a new sister project @MyBlogU that helps you create highly sharable group interviews. And today at #VCBuzz we have a special guest who has been doing it [meaning blogaaa
We are talking Google Plus today with the French entrepreneur @Jice_Lavocat. A couple of reminders first: We launched @MyBlogU last week, please join to create epic content and get featured! If you review our VCB Udemy course, we’ll give youaaa
We are discussing podcasts today but first a couple of updates: We launched @MyBlogU last week, please join to create epic content and get featured! If you review our VCB Udemy course, we’ll give you 100 free ViralContentBuzz credits toaaa