Viral Content Buzz Works as Long as Your Content is Worth it: Our New User’s Experience

vcb-experimentOne of our newer users has shared his one-month-long experiment using ViralContentBuzz. Here are some takeaways:

  • It’s really nice to know your content sticks around for people to find it easily.
  • It all comes down to the quality of your content: Some articles gain more shares than the others
  • VCB is a good test ground to check your content virality: If it does well over there, it will probably do well organically
  • You need to be involved to to keep on bringing in healthy shares
  • It certainly feels good to have some extra sources of traffic coming into your website for your own enjoyment and your own satisfaction while continuing to build and develop your website
  • Absolutely give this a try. It is well run and growing in it’s popularity

One month is certainly a too quick experiment: VCB does take some time to work out a strategy because it depends on natural signals.

Thanks for the great experiment, Adam!


VC Bee

Viral Content Bee is the free platform for social media sharing helping you get more shares for your high-quality content

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