Google search has gone a long way since it was around. They are doing an amazing job satisfying the user’s intent and giving them what they really need (which doesn’t always mean more exposure to the publisher, let’s be honest).aaa
Most of publishers are aware of rel=”nofollow” link attribute by now. From being SEO thing only, it has got a wide application throughout the Internet. But how to use it correctly? Let’s discuss! ***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar
Whenever you publish more and more content to your blog, you keep thinking about all those articles that you published months and years ago. All content, even evergreen content, needs updates at some point. The world is changing and it’saaa
If you’re responsible for a website, you need a plan for when things change, and when things go wrong. In this week’s chat, we’ll be talking about what you need to know to understand, build and use Quality Assurance plansaaa