February, 2021 | ViralContentBee

Entity-Based SEO with Brian Kato @katobkato #vcbuzz

Search engine optimization has evolved beyond keyword matching. Google has developed its own knowledge graph, i.e. understanding of the world, objects and concepts and how they are interconnected. Whether your site fits into that graph or not determined if itaaa

How to Do Internal Linking Right with Grant Simmons @simmonet #vcbuzz

Internal linking is one of the most important steps to improving your rankings. It’s also one of the lowest-hanging-fruit opportunities many website owners are missing. Why are internal links so important and how to do them right? Let’s discuss! ***Addaaa

Website Migration with @JacobStoops #vcbuzz

Most of us have started a few websites at some point or another. This means we may have dealt with re-branding, migrating or merging our web properties at some point or another. How to approach site migration properly? Let’s discuss!aaa