Keeping your social media channels active is an on-going challenge.
You can make a resolution to get better organized but it usually slows down sooner or later.
Is there a way to improve your social media posting frequency and effectiveness? How to create a social media editorial calendar?
***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar here.
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About @LatelyAIKately
@LatelyAIKately is co-Founder and CEO @LatelyAI, AI-powered marketing pioneer.
Prior to founding Lately, Kate served 20 million listeners as Music Director and on-air host at Sirius/XM. She’s also an award-winning radio producer, engineer and voice talent with 25 years of national broadcast communications, brand-building, sales and marketing expertise.
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
Can you imagine a time where you weren’t just BORN into it??? I mean, I actually had to buy my own domain name.
Seriously tho… I’m one of the few people you’ll ever meet that was a rock ‘n’ roll dj BEFORE I was a #digitalmarketer (my last gig was broadcasting to 20 million listeners @SIRIUSXM)
Back then, MySpace was evrything. I remember being at @SXSW when @Twitter was unveiled. BFD!! @GaryVee was the rage but the rooms he was in were just regular sized-rooms. With empty seats.
It was all still a bit of a novelty. But I remember @SXSW being the 1st to “get” how to use @Twitter as the 3rd voice in a room – to include all of us “audience” folks in the convo. It broke the 4th wall. LIGHTBULB
I’d already incorporated that idea into my on-air style but didn’t realize the power it truly wielded. Until I started learning about how the #neuroscienceofmusic works. (@DanLevitan, I’m looking at YOU.)
Get this… Each time your brain hears a new song, it automatically accesses EVERY song you’ve ever heard before. In an instant – nostalgia, memory, emotion – it all floods forth.
Meanwhile, your brain is looking for familiar touch points – nostalgia, memory, emotion… all key triggers of “trust” – in order to index that new song in your memory banks. Now, your voice – EVERY voice has a frequency, like a musical note, like a song. And when you read text, you hear the voice of the author inside your head.
Like a rock ‘n’ roll dj, it’s the writer’s job to give the reader familiar touch points – to touch on nostalgia, memory, emotion – in order to sell you something new.
Which is why @LatelyAI studies familiar touch points in order to create a writing model and then applies this writing model to transform longform content into something new. See what we did there?
Back to breaking the 4th wall… in radio, believe it or not, it’s a 2-way street, even tho I have the mic, it’s my job to make you, the listener, feel like you have a voice, that you’re included in the convo.
Remember that trust factor? This is how you turn listeners into FANS. Or customers into EVANGELISTS. Big difference.
And cuz I had a degree in fiction writing and had written hundreds of radio commercials, #marketingcopy was ez-peazy. So I started writing newsletters for my channel – no one else was doing that.
Fast-fwd to a few years later when I owned a marketing agency and one of my 1st clients was a l’il biz called @Walmart who I built a #digitalmarketing spreadsheet system for, that got 130% ROI YoY for 3 years.
One of the craziest things I learned was that both the world’s largest retailer and all of my other smaller clients all had the SAME problem – they hated writing. Ta-da! The idea for @LatelyAI was born
Q2 What is a social media calendar and why is it important?
It’s a combination of both schedule + the CADENCE of how often to post on each channel. The cadence is key. And it’s the part a lot of folks are kinda bad at.
“How often do I post when and where?” is the #1 question we get from both our largest and smallest customers. Amazingly.
A2: an overview of your upcoming social posts. This is rather helpful in ensuring you have not missed out on posting any type of content, or a channel. Also, ensure you have active social accounts #VCBuzz
— Asangi (@asangi_j) October 19, 2021
Think back to radio. We used to play you the same song at LEAST 300 times each week, hoping you would hear it ONCE.
#VCBuzz A2
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 19, 2021
A Social Media Calendar is similar to a Content Calendar;
it's a method for planning/organising/scheduling content and interactions – specifically or loosely.
But where as CCs tend to be singular, SMCs may cover multiple platforms/groups.
Yet folks STILL have this weird misunderstanding that the whole world will happen to be scrolling past their single Tweet at any given moment.
#VCBuzz A2.3
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 19, 2021
And the best part is – by it's very nature – it's organised and scheduled!
That means you tailor the pushes to each platform/audience/community, as there is often a different rhythm – different times of day for activity (audience/peers/competitors), and frequency.
So quantity still rules. And that’s a pain in the ass. But it’s QUALITY that people are generally terrible at. Enter…
#VCBuzz A2.5
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 19, 2021
That set of posts you planned 3 months ago were fantastic – then!
But with latest news/events, they may not be the right thing to post now!
(Always have spare content/filler content in case of emergencies!)
A2. A CC is a roadmap of content and topic ideas. This is incredibly important to keep social content focused, on-brand, and more streamlined. With a CC you can cut massive amounts of wasted time from the ideation>create>publish>promote cycle. #VCBuzz
— Brian Kato (@katobkato) October 19, 2021
Q3 How can @LatelyAI help in creating great social media content?
Thanks for the softball!
@LatelyAI learns the voice of any brand or individual and generates dozens or even HUNDREDS of social posts in that voice, from any kind of longform content (text, audio, video).
@LatelyAI literally studies what keywords, phrases and sentence structures will get you the highest possible engagement and dices up your longform content into social posts. ZING! Quantity AND quality.
Then, @LatelyAI transcribes the video, searches the text for the most interesting quotes it knows will get you the most likes, comments or reshares and clips up the video containing those quotes
Q4 You have recently launched a new video creation tool! Please describe what it does and why is it a time saver?
Not gonna lie, the @LatelyAI#videogenerator is the shizzlearino! Imagine dozens of pre-tested, mini movie trailers automatically made to promote any podcast, webinar, conference panel…
1st, @LatelyAI studies the analytics of any social channel you connect to its brain and it builds a writing model, based on what it learns is most likely to get you the highest engagement.
Q5 What is the anatomy of a successful social media update? How to make more of them?
Don’t forget – there’s only 2 objectives for all #socialmedia posts: click or share. So you work backwards from that.
Clicks are hard when you’re a #smallbusiness. Cuz people don’t trust you enough to click that link. Exception: any kind of How-To content. Everybody clicks the living daylights outta that.
They also click on the posts with your own made up hashtags #marketingtradesecrets #vcbuzz ? #truestory https://t.co/KGe7bWsb8M
— Cadi Jordan (@cadijordan) October 19, 2021
Shares are way easier. Because shares are about ego. People share your content because they get credit for it, by default. You make THEM look kewl
Like in college, when someone brought you a new record? And then you shared it? And then you got the props for being the taste-maker. A shareable social posts runs on the same fuel.
#VCBuzz A5.2
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 19, 2021
Though there are general "best practices" for content per platform – the specifics can/do vary.
You are unlikely to utilise fun, funky and vibrant imagery for an apology-post to limit negative perceptions etc.
You also have to look at the audience preferences.
No matter what your objective is, effective writing all comes down to emotion. Rule #1: DON’T BE BORING
Rule #2: Make them react – in order to buy, click or share, I have to feel. Emotion is the driver. Copy that triggers a motion beats the hamburgalars outta everything else.
Stick to those 2 and you’ll be head, shoulders and hotlips above the rest!
#VCBuzz A5.4
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 19, 2021
But, you can see what is performant, and match.
Studying each platform + audience + purpose of content permits you to see what is well received (or not),
what gets impressions, engagement and interactions/actions.
You can then adapt and adopt from there.
A5. People love to buy but hate being sold to. When posting to social, consider how "salesy" the post is.
— Brian Kato (@katobkato) October 19, 2021
– Keep things entertaining and fun
– Don't be afraid to share other's content (check out the 5:3:2 method)
– have a goal and measure against that goal #VCbuzz
Our previous social media marketing chats:
- Authentic Social Media Sharing with Viral Content Buzz (User Testimonial)
- Social Media Automation Dos and Don’ts with Jeremy Goldman @jeremarketer #vcbuzz
- The Death of Vanity Metrics with Dan Willis @MLLNNLmotivator
- Omni-Channel Marketing with Michael Glover @TheMGlover
- Social Listening for Lead Generation with Magda Urbaniak @Meg_Urbaniak
- Get Your Content Tweeted Organically Using Viral Content Bee
- How to Build an Engaged Email List with Rohan Ayyar @searchrook
- How to Set Up an Effective Outreach Campaign with Gareth Simpson @SimpsonGareth