Social media changed our life: From traveling to catching up with members social media sites give us a lot to be thankful for. Today we are talking about social media impact on our career. And we have the best careeraaa
Combining parenthood with blogging career is a hard work. It’s much harder if you are a single parent! It doesn’t mean you cannot be successful! About Dave Dave has been in the computer industry since 1980 and has been onlineaaa
Branding is the most important component of digital marketing: It secures your traffic sources, creates lead generation channels, builds trust and loyalty. Today we are talking to the digital branding specialist @ShellyKramer About Shelly Shelly Kramer is a 20+ yearaaa
Have you ever considered starting an ecommerce business? Become your own boss? Start an online venture? Many of us have but only few really tried! Hopefully this chat will inspire some action: Meet our mentor @DarrenDeMatas About Darren Darren DeMatasaaa
A domain name is where any site starts but it’s getting harder and harder to get one. Let’s discuss what things to keep in mind when hunting for a catchy domain name for your business. ***Add #VCBuzz chats to youraaa
Intro from Ann: In an effort to continuously inspire VCB members we are bringing you case studies on how bloggers managed to create highly-shareable blog posts. Meet our today’s guru David McSweeney! While (at the time of writing) it isaaa
As we discussed earlier, traffic is not the ultimate goal of any website. It’s converting that traffic in some meaningful way that matters. Today we are learning how to improve your conversions using website analytics. ***Please sign in here toaaa
Best ideas come from brainstorming; best content is created through collaboration. MyBlogU is one free content collaboration platform to check out but there are more! Today we are chatting with Tom Treanor @RtMixMktg, Director of Content Marketing, Social Media @Wrikeaaa
When you think of content your mind probably goes right to text. Articles and blog posts, columns of writing explaining a service or product…that is what content is, right? For the most part, that is exactly what content is. Butaaa
More and more brands recognize the need to start managing their communities. But where and how exactly they should start? Let’s discuss. ***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar here. ***Please sign in here to follow the chat -> Aboutaaa
The Internet has changed the job search process tremendously. As an example, you can use Twitter to hunt for a job (I have a course about that: Check it out). Let’s talk about finding a job online with the realaaa
Personal stories are the most convincing way to make your point straight. People easily relate to stories and better remember and engage with them. @tejones has been doing a great job featuring personal stories on his site, so let’s learnaaa
Creating great content is only half of the battle. How do you get people find and read it? Let’s discuss! ***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar here. ***Please sign in here to follow the chat -> About Randy Randyaaa
Digital journalism is one of the most exciting phenomena of our times. What is it? Let’s find out today! ***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar here. ***Please sign in here to follow the chat -> About Stewart Stewart Rogersaaa