Life can be quite overwhelming, especially if you are balancing business, career, and family.
When you feel especially overwhelmed, it is important to step back and practice self-care. This is key to achieving success.
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About @TawannaBSmith
We already had the pleasure to hear Tawanna “speak” here at #VCBuzz.
She was teaching us creating a successful social video campaign.
Tawanna Browne Smith @TawannaBSmith is founder of Mom’s Guide To Travel and TawannaBSmith.com
Tawanna began working in the digital space in 2008, growing and learning with each iteration of emerging platforms, social networks and apps.
Questions we discussed
Q1 What is self-care and what is extreme self-care? Why is self-care such an important topic these days?
Self-care is the proactive, intentional, conscious engagement in activities that manage mental, physical, emotional and spiritual states of being. To me extreme self-care is the tough part of self-care that costs us something
Self-care is so important these days b/c people are more stressed than ever. Anxiety, depression, suicide, disease, obesity are at all-time highs. The medical profession is inundated. It can’t fix all of that. We have to take proactive measures to help ourselves.
?It is Imperative to Take Good Care of One's Self – Mind, Body & Soul?
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) July 23, 2019
☀️ So We Have Our Well of Resources Within Us, Re-energized & Filled to Shine & Thrive – in all Aspects of Life.☀️ #VCBuzz pic.twitter.com/K9eriaJH2X
Extreme self-care is consistent planned activities that go beyond the simple stuff like taking a bath, going on a walk, getting an occasional massage, etc. Instead you’re choosing to go deeper and do consistent activities that force you to do work on you!
Tap into what’s stressing you out, your fears, your anxieties. Write it down. Get ample rest. Drink water. Work with someone to help you stay consistent.
Q2 How to practice self-care every day? How to get organized?
Practice self-care everyday by scheduling it. Getting accountability. Start small. Take the time to be still and sit with your thoughts, meditate for a few minutes.
Get organized by scheduling it the same way you would anything else in your life or business. Start with your self-care first in the morning to set up a healthy foundation for the rest of the day.
a2 Early Morning Quiet Reflective time – to get centered, inspired & look at all the beauty in life with much gratitude.#VCBuzz pic.twitter.com/v6CSg5K9Ud
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) July 23, 2019
Yes!! @BRAVOMedia1 it’s so important to start off the day organizing your thoughts FIRST before you let other things in
Q3 What to do if you have absolutely no time for yourself? What are some tricks to still prioritize self-care even when you feel you have to do thousands of things every day (e.g. when traveling)?
That’s a fallacy. You have time for yourself. Wake up earlier. Get it in. Set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier. You can get 3 self-care activities done in that time: meditation, stretching/exercising, journaling. Bam! You start off your day better equipped.
I totally don’t see traveling as an obstacle to prioritizing self-care but rather an opportunity b/c more of my time is my own. I don’t have my kids or my spouse with me so I have even more time to myself.
I can meditate/journal/read/write on the way to my destination. AND schedule a massage in during that biz trip!
A3: Agreed. It can be hard, but you do have control over your time. you create it! RT @TawannaBSmith: I totally don’t see traveling as an obstacle to prioritizing self-care but rather an opportunity b/c more of my… https://t.co/m8EKXql46W #vcbuzz
— Lisa Shomo (@keenkoncept) July 23, 2019
We have to be no BS about it @seosmarty. Seriously! The first boundary we need to set is with ourselves, our minds. Change the mindset. Challenge ourselves and this concept of “not having the time.”
We create our personal worlds. Once we come from that mindset, we realize how much more we are in control and stop playing the victim role.
a3 Eat well, Drink well, Sleep well & Wake early enough to watch the Sunrise with coffee & quiet time. **That's what I do**#VCBuzz
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) July 23, 2019
Yup! I give priority to me first because if this ship sinks, everyone else is going down with it.
Q4 How does self-care practicing help you become successful? How does it help business growth?
Practicing self-care helps to keep you mentally, emotionally and physically healthy. If we aren’t present emotionally & mentally, are we operating at our highest in our business?
If our health isn’t optimal do we have enough energy or strength to push through times of heightened demands?
a4 Self-care (not to be misinterpreted as selfish) is essential to one's success. One must care for themselves before they can care for others. #VCBuzz
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) July 23, 2019
Business growth depends on fully functioning people. It depends on the ability to think strategically and effectively. A clouded mind or sick body does little to help expand a business.
Walk away. If you get stressed, just walk away from your computer or work and do something for you: take a walk, pet the dog or horses or cat, make some tea, watch a funny video or enjoy some music @TawannaBSmith #vcbuzz
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) July 23, 2019
I actually heard cleaning (especially organizing, e.g. your books, your desk – I mean the real one) is GREAT for de-stressing and hence keeping your sanity #vcbuzz
— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) July 23, 2019
A4 #VCBuzz : Once you learn to care for yourself you can be a better leader.
— Rebecca Murtagh ? (@VirtualMarketer) July 23, 2019
Every individual needs time to recharge physically and mentally to make meaningful & creative contributions.@vcbuzz #entrepreneur #business #leadership #wellness @TawannaBSmith
I do "chores" scattered throughout the day to give my eyes a break from computer monitors. I water the micro-greens, rinse the sprouts, water the garden, check on the horses, watch a short video (from a distance) or harvest a salad. #vcbuzz
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) July 23, 2019
Or a 15 to 2O minute bike ride – which is what I prefer for a bit of exercise and some quick self-care. ?♂️ #vcbuzz https://t.co/oHYVH3tizC
— Missy Diaz (@ChicagoGeekGal) July 23, 2019
Q5 Are there any resources you suggest reading to get better at practicing self-care?
First off, reading is a form of self-care so that’s a great place to start! I love Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe has your back. I’m also a big fan of @BrendnBurchard’s High Performance Habits. Psychcentral & PsychologyToday are also great resources.
There are a ton of resources out there. Don’t go for the ton! Just pick a few. Don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Less is more!
A5b And you can always follow me on Instagram @TawannaBSmith for updates or videos that center around self-care Or catch me live on my FB page at https://t.co/wkihvN4Ro6 #vcbuzz
— Tawanna B Smith, MPP (@TawannaBSmith) July 23, 2019
A5 : #VCBuzz Most entrepreneurs, professionals & caregivers need inspiration to practice self care after taking care of everything & everyone else.
— Rebecca Murtagh ? (@VirtualMarketer) July 23, 2019
I find @DeepakChopra enlightening & inspiring ?? @vcbuzz #entrepreneur #business #family #wellness #health