Despite popular belief, search engine optimization is not just about adding keywords and building links. It is mostly about making your site easy to understand to a machine, i.e. a search crawler.
The better you are at translating your site to crawlers, the more organic visibility they will be willing to give you.
One of the best ways to make your site content, purpose and structure understandable to a search crawler is to use schema.
Let’s talk about schema essentials and how schema helps your online visibility!
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About Jeannie Hill @essentialskill #vcbuzz
Jeannie Hill @essentialskill is an experienced organic and AdWords Optimization and Campaign Manager, marketing communications project manager, Accelerated Mobile Page Implementation, SEO copywriter, mobile website manager, web content management and leader with excellent client management skills.
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
I started out in high school when my test scores said I should take up engineering. Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes First job was at corporate Hallmark Cards headquarters in Kansas City.
Very "corporate" for a farm girl. I loved every moment of it and stayed till I married and went overseas. #vcbuzz
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) September 15, 2020
Q2 What is schema and why should we care?
10 million+ sites use schema markup to augment their SEO efforts. Top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex initially collaborated on the development of schema.org in 2011. Schema markups can create rich, extensible user experiences and give context to your content. If not there – your competiors are! Search engines rely on various methods to decipher how & when to display various structured data types. Schema empowers possibilities but leaves a lot of room for customization.
So in other words: schema helps Google understand your web pages and the content on them. Got it! #vcbuzz https://t.co/As1sZtpkS5
— Anita Campbell (@anitacampbell) September 15, 2020
It’s really exciting how schema let’s businesses inform search engines of what’s most important to them. You can push out the content and details you want in ways that you want to to be represented in SERPs, including Knowledge Graphs.
A2. Well you should care because if you can increase the size of your SERP results pixel coverage then you are taking up more real estate on the SERP and it may lead to a higher CTR.#vcbuzz
— Boyd Norwood – nozzle.io (@boydnorwood) September 15, 2020
A2. Succinctly said! By making it understood it stands the chance to add value. It's a sizzling way to take stagnant content and enrich it by winning Google Rich Results (if possible). #vcbuzz RT @cyberandy https://t.co/KcSVh5kfRK
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) September 15, 2020
Q3 Are there particular schema types you have found effective and when should we implement those?
So many sites may look great, and say just what the executives/someone want said in their language form, but fail to get found. It’s awesome when you’re hired and have a great team to move the needle. Schema can make a HUGE difference.
A3. Our current favorite types of Schema Implementation for a competitive edge:
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) September 15, 2020
? LocalBusiness with hasMap– for Local SEO
? FAQ– search is much about getting the right answer fast
? HowTo pages– repsonding to needs for instructional content
?Video- if available#vcbuzz https://t.co/aplvgqCTbz pic.twitter.com/UAJkN5AZtP
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) September 15, 2020
There's no real shortage of schema types, and the idea is old. We've had methods of supplying "data" for years, in various forms.
But modern structures are often easier and more robust (less intrusive in the HTML Code, doesn't require additional files etc.).#VCBuzz
Q4 What are some structured data mistakes you saw being made again and again?
- Schema is added to too thin pages
- Spending too much time on schema markup that provides little benefit
- Relying on many plugins which is prone to generating conflicts and unwanted schema errors
- Lack of adherence to Google’s Guidelines for specific data types
A4: Content on the page does not match the content in the JSON. Pretty frequent, in many cases I’ve seen. #VCBuzz
— William Álvarez (@williamalvarez) September 15, 2020
Common Schema Mistakes:
- Reacting too quickly to SERP fluctions before thorough testing and loosing gains that bounce back.
- A lack of follow-up checks using schema audits to quickly identify updated schema requirements.
- Manipulative efforts
- Lack of relevancy
A4 common mistakes:
— Andrea Volpini (@cyberandy) September 15, 2020
a) data is incomplete or worst inconsistent and added just to remove errors and warnings
b) data is not linked with other data
c) ids are not used to glue things within the same graph
d) the same data (i.e. WebSite markup) is added on every page #vcbuzz https://t.co/EID3zTTEo0
I have seen people leave the optional field in the markup however it is best practise to utilise every attributes in the structure data code. #vcbuzz https://t.co/JSMJ0AhRfX
— Hiren vaghela (@hirendream) September 15, 2020
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) September 15, 2020
But bad code still occurs though, ranging from failing to close properly, though to weird nesting orders or invalid values being used.
Then of course there is misuse/abuse.
People trying to use schema the wrong way, basically trying to lie to get SERP presence etc.#VCBuzz
Q5 What are your favorite Schema and structured data tools?
Schema Tools:
- Google Rich Results Testing Tool
- InLinks via @Dixon_Jones let’s you modify schema
- JSON-LD Generator by Hall Analysis
- JSON-LD Schema Markup Generator by @jdflynn
- Schema Markup Generator by @RankRanger
- Schema App Tool @marthavanberkel
Rich Results Test Tool (To see actual SERP Design)
— Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR (@KorayGubur) September 15, 2020
Structured Data Testing Tool (To test the Code)
Classy Schema (Visualization of Nodes)
Markup Validator (Bing)
And, any kind of JSON-LD Editor.https://t.co/ChTyOnf8e0#VCBuzz
Definitly use @wordliftit – I have for years and love it!
Our previous Schema chats:
- Schema for Content Marketers with Martha van Berkel @marthavanberkel #VCBuzz
- How to Win Against Biggest Brands in SEO with @HamletBatista #VCBuzz
- How to Match Your Content Marketing to Search Intent with JP Sherman @jpsherman #VCBuzz
- What is Mobile-First Index and Why Should We Care with @JonDMyers of @DeepCrawl #vcbuzz
- SEO Entities and Google’s NLP with @KrystianSzastok #vcbuzz