Developing Content Strategy for Email Marketing with Fi Shailes @Fi_digitaldrum #vcbuzz

Content Strategy for Email Marketing with Fi Shailes @Fi_digitaldrum #vcbuzz

Not many people realize that but email marketing requires a good deal of content creation skill

You need to come up with an engaging copy, open-worthy subject line and click-inviting CTAs.

Most importantly, your email must be awesome enough for your subscribers to want to stick with you and even look forward to hearing from you again.

So how to create an effective content strategy for your email marketing? Let’s discuss!

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About Fi Shailes @Fi_digitaldrum

Fi Shailes @Fi_digitaldrum is a content writer and social media manager with tons of experience creating, editing and repurposing copy.

Since 2006, she has been creating and running campaigns for local government initiatives, charities, arts and music venues, and financial service institutions.

Fi also works as a social strategist at award-winning creative agency @twogether.

Check out Fi’s Medium column for Better Marketing.

Connect to Fi on LinkedIn!

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!

I’ll try to put it in a simple way! I worked my way up, starting as a junior marketer for venues. Then I worked in marketing for local councils. At this time, I was doing digital AND offline marketing.

But I guess it was at a time when ‘digital marketing’ wasn’t formally a thing so much.. My next move took me to a financial consultancy firm, where I ended up building up the digital/content marketing capability in a team where it didn’t exist formally.

A couple of years in, I realised that my strengths really lay in social and content. Since then, I’ve worked at a couple of agencies, and now I just specialise in strategy in my full-time role, and content & social media management in my freelance role.

It kind of just happened that one day I decided to bite the bullet and build a website. I was itching to try freelancing, and I’ve been doing it part-time for just over five years now.

Q2 What makes a good email marketing subject?

I think the important thing is that it’s something your readers will find valuable. Sounds obvious, I know, but I think sometimes organisations can get caught up in what THEY’RE interested in and lose sight of readers’ needs and wants.

If we’re talking subject lines, it should be to the point or cryptic is ‘ok’ (but never misleading!) and ‘brand appropriate’. Using emojis can sometimes seem ‘friendlier’ too, if appropriate for your org.

Personalisation is a brilliant one. Not everyone employs this tactic, still!

Q3 What are easily avoidable copy mistakes when it comes to email marketing?

There are many easily avoidable mistakes that relate to copy. Avoiding typos, using the right tone of voice, ensuring all the fields in your template is appropriately populated even! I sum up some common ones in this article, as it happens!

Q4 How to craft a good copy for your email marketing campaign?

I think it’s really important to always put yourself in the mind of the intended end reader – are they time poor, so a shorter email is better? What tone of voice is going to resonate best? Really put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine, if you were opening what you’ve drafted, is it going to work? Really work? Making sure every piece of your copy is optimised is really important too; so making CTAs clear (note there should usually just be ONE main one in most cases!)

No typos, making sure readability is there – looking at font size/formatting etc. All of these things are really important in addition to the actual words and what you’re trying to convey in your messaging. Above all – your readers want to see VALUE.

Q5 Do you think email marketing is still an important marketing channel in 2021?

Yes I do. Whilst we have probably all experienced an extra barrage of incoming emails over the past year and a bit, I’m sure we’re still all ‘acting on’ the ones which have got most things right; relevant content, right tone, a CTA which makes sense to us, or is enticing, responsive for mobile devices etc.

Our previous content marketing chats:


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