Story Telling to Succeed with Zala Bricelj @ZalkaB #VCBuzz

Story Telling to Succeed with Zala Bricelj @ZalkaB #VCBuzzPeople love to connect to people and brands with stories. A good story makes your business memorable?

So how to tell that story the way it makes an influence?

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About Zala

Zala Bricelj @ZalkaB is marketer, storyteller, coach, content creator, connector and global community builder. Zala is #TwitterSmarter Community Manager and part of #TwitterSmarter team, lead by Madalyn Sklar.

Zala Bricelj @ZalkaB is co-host of  #BizHeroes and #SocialPowWow

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a digital marketer?

I’ve always loved tech, communication and connecting with people market = ways that connects people, brands, biz & communities.

Digital marketing offers so many new opportunities to connect, tell our stories, share, expand reach & put your brand on the digital map.

I’m a digital marketer in heart & spirit. I love how it helps to merge CX, connection to target audience and brand presence. Digital marketing is changing my life / biz. It helps me use different channels to talk, engage and connect with different target audience.

YEP! I always say, Social & Digital Marketing are not my job. Is what I love “doing”

Digital marketing is merging the connected & experiential world at a fast pace, leading to a more collaborative world.

After working in corporate marketing, I started my own business. Applying digital & content marketing shaping the landscape.

I’m a femme-preneur, solopreneur, focusing on offering services: digital & content strategy, marketing and storytelling. Digital gives more opportunities, a voice to every business. Strategy, consistency, execution & high quality content/services are key.

Thanks Todd! I’m in the re-design and update mode at the moment, so I’d love to hear your thought after too 🙂

I’m a big supporter of women in business! Coaching them, empowering them and I love supporting communities.

Q2 What is story telling and how can it help brands?

Storytelling in short: the ability to convey the right message at the right time, that attracts, resonates & triggers.

I tell my clients storytelling is nothing new or recent. Conveying meaning through different mediums has existed for centuries.

Storytelling now is becoming a strategic approach of (not) capturing attention because of info overload, so much content out there.

Storytelling = best mix of: data, analysis, planning, knowing the ins and outs of your target audience and what triggers them = good start.

Yes, absolutely! Relatability & spreading the business values & ideas is key here.

Storytelling gives brands option to connect to their audience, share “message”, but leaves room for participation & contribution.

Contribution / co-creation is key element of Storytelling. Brands offer some stories as “hooks” that target audience can easily interpret. Being able to relate & internalize & refer to a certain emotion, feeling, exp, character, tradition = good storytelling.

Storytelling is becoming a strategic business, communications & marketing tool across industries. Storytelling “works” both on conscious & subconscious level. It’s how our brains process info & what triggers those “responses”.

Storytelling is one of the tools that can help you determine intent, behaviour, needs and align/drill down your approach acceptance.

Q3 What are your favorite examples of successful story telling?

I’ll try to go locally a bit with this.

The Brewery decided to take elements we all know, learn about, grow up with, read about & wow it into their campaigns.

So there are relatable elements that are given a modern, fresh twist, but are still timely, proper & impactful.

So, there’s not just building up your brand message & spreading it, but also wowing that fun element of attracting new target audience.

So the Polish examples are great because it relates to so many people who have same issues & same challenges.

Storytelling in the Polish example doesn’t feel like a “story made”. It’s about a family, relations, missing people you love.

So stories needn’t refer to the exact thing xyz, but refer to a feeling, sentiment, insights, shared experience = universal.

A lot of times storytelling plays to the one things that is in common to all of us = human nature. Experience. Authenticity.

Q4 What is your one story telling tip that usually works for most brands?

It starts with YOU. Storytelling is authentic when it comes from our own or shared experiences. Not a fabricated / constructed X.

Storytelling is most successful when it’s timely, appropriate (be mindful of cult, religious diff) and motivates ppl to DO STH.

Storytelling shouldn’t feel forced or go against the flow of how we usually consume content. It’s should disrupt the “flow”.

100% YES!

Storytelling is not just one-way source. It’s a way to engage different communities, sources & crowdsourcing when you implement.

Read more about facilitating a compelling human-centered setting for storytelling. It’s not only about relatablitly, but really motivating people to do somehing with your content, stories, connections.

Q5 What are your favorite writing and marketing tools?

I’m a sucker for tools!

First of all – Twitter desktop & mobile. It teaches you consistency, clarity & getting to the point. Also connecting with people.

Because I spend most of the time on-the-go, I’ll share some mobile apps and tools I use.

@evernote is my go-to-notebook, article saver and bookmarker. I save my reading, notes, thoughts & content.

@trello and @SlackHQ are my go-to-tools for project management an collaboration and communication across teams. Love it!

GIPHY is my go to tool for GIFs & Communication across channels. It conveys “emotions” wonderfully.

#PicsArt is for photos, collages and edits on the go. Desygner for Android mobile – templates & designs on the go.

@canva is my go-to-tool desktop for content creation & design. @AdobeSpark – do make it your best friend, Buzzers!

For content curation: @nuzzel & @Flipboard. Great tools for curation!

And I’m a big fan and user of @buffer. Love the product, love the team even more and love their community.

And for video I use Twitter Video, #MiniMovie and audio @anchor – great to share your thoughts or start a podcast.

And for writing/reading, do check out @grammarly (great for non-native Eng speakers), @medium and my Kindle always with me.

And since you’ve probably seen I’m a huge Twitter fan – I use Tweetdeck to monitor conversations, mentions, tweets & all the fun.

Our previous storytelling chats:


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