We all want to achieve something in life… But how to get away and do that? How to realize your dreams? How to even understand what you are willing to do?
What is your goal and how to achieve it? Let’s discuss!
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About @TazThornton
@TazThornton is a motivatorm an award-winning Coach, and TEDx speaker who was featured at BBC, ITV and Huff Post.
Follow Taz’s blog here.
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer and a coach? Please share your career story!
Well, there’s a big question! I used to be in journalism and worked my way up to the top of the multi-national corporate publishing tree, but I wasn’t happy. Long story short, after the death of my dad and a HUGE heap of trouble hitting the fan, I ended up crashing emotionally and realised I needed to do something very different. The only thing that filled me up was helping others, so I went on a rollercoaster training journey – NLP, mentoring, shamans, firewalking (same team that trained Tony Robbins) and leapt into self-employment. I LOVED social, was one of the team behind the first digimag for the Twitterverse, #TweetingTimes, and people started asking me to show them how. The social coaching side grew from there. I’m passionate about supporting SMEs
@TazThornton Wow! Firewalking! #vcbuzz
— Lisa Shomo (@keenkoncept) June 25, 2019
Yep – I’m an instructor. I only use it for people on my spiritual empowerment programmes now though. There are enough people doing the ‘ra ra’ stuff. I want it to mean something more, at a deeper level. Right of passage stuff.
@TazThornton Fantastic. So glad you were able to turn a rough time around for yourself! #vcbuzz
— Lisa Shomo (@keenkoncept) June 25, 2019
Thank you – that breakDOWN really was my breakTHROUGH. Not a single regret.
@TazThornton Your story is super inspirational! Any tips for how to feel more empowered in a career? I love digital marketing AND helping people and would love to bridge the gap. #vcbuzz
— Maile Waite (@mailewaite) June 25, 2019
Sure – make sure you’re following your OWN dreams, not somebody else’s. Remember who you were before society told you who it wanted you to be. Chase happiness first, you can’t buy that. And be real. Cash follows credibility.
Q2 How to define your life goals? How to realize your own brilliance?
I’m committed to inspiring and motivating as many as I can. That’s what drives my own media machine: it’s not about ego, it’s about being visible to those who might need my support. Last year I was named the UK’s Best Female Coach, so I’m doing something right.
How do I realise my own brilliance? I know when I’m on track – there’s an inner energy that builds. Brilliance? that’s up to others to decide. I believe we all have reserves of awesome potential – we just need to find them and use them.
A few years back, I put out a video that went viral and attracted lots of media attention. It talked about the time I wanted to check out. I still get messages today from people who say it saved their life. That’s what REALLY matters. More than any accolades.
Q3 How to keep yourself motivated and start acting on your plans?
I remember my mission – it’s always bigger than me. I remember the promises I made when I broke my back trying to die, the deal I struck with whomever was listening to just let me walk. It’s my belief that life happens FOR us, not TO us so I’m gonna use EVERYTHING I have to help others avoid the same metaphorical walls I crashed into. We are NOT just put here to earn money and die. Self belief should be a birthright for every one of us. I want to show everyone how to #FlipYourNegatives
In the west, we walk around with head/heart disconnect. We die at 30, but don’t get a funeral for 50 years! We need to remember to say ‘yes’ to life and to live every moment. That will ALWAYS get me out of bed and motivated to do more.
Incidentally, one of the reasons I’m so committed to helping people gain visibility for their businesses is that we need to be able to make money from our passion. When we find our mission, our purpose, we need it to sustain us so we can create positive change for all.
Q4 How to overcome difficulties without being discouraged? How to cope with failure?
#FlipYourNegatives – there’ll be a teaching, a life lesson, in every situation, no matter how challenging. We might need to find our courage and dig for it, but it’ll be there. In life, we can choose to focus on the manure, or the flowers growing from it.
As for failure? I don’t believe in failure, or regret. You are not failing, you are learning to succeed. ‘Fail’ harder. Learn more. Grow. Flourish. Be adventurous. Try new things. Live in the moment and fill today with experiences to enrich tomorrow.
For the record, that doesn’t mean I never get punched in the feels – it means I don’t stay down for long. It means I use all the tools I’ve learned to find the teachings, grab the positives and feed them all into my optimism reserves. It’s up to us. Always.
A4 To overcome difficulties without being discouraged and cope with failure, look outside yourself. Find someone you can help and go do that instead. #vcbuzz
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) June 25, 2019
That’s all well and good, so long as we remember to deal with our sh!t. It’s too easy to use ideas like that as a distraction. So yes, help others, but remember to heal yourself first – that’s how we’ll be able to do more good for longer.
Some people need a change of perspective which is what you get when you look outside focusing on just yourself and realize there are others way worse off than what is worrying you. That can often eliminate them. #vcbuzz
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) June 25, 2019
Q5 What are your favorite goal setting and productivity tools?
This is an interesting one for me… I don’t actually use any of the structured tools. I do everything through the calendar of my iphone. Some are routine – LinkedIn every morning, #AwesomeSauce prep every Tuesday, weekly tasks into my online coaching groups.
@TazThornton Nothing replaces good organization and time management! #vcbuzz
— Lisa Shomo (@keenkoncept) June 25, 2019
Video for #Tazvocate every month, etc. Goal setting for me is more holistic/spiritual – I connect with my intentions regularly, say gratitudes every day and always remember my mission – that’s enough to keep me focused. I don’t need an app for that.
Our previous branding and inspirational chats:
- Using Subconscious Marketing Techniques to Up Your Conversions with Neal Cole @northresearch #VCBuzz
- How Blogging Helps Brand Yourself & Sell Your Services: Twitter Chat with @DreBeltrami
- How to Monetize Your Personal Brand: #WinnieSun @SunGroupWP
- How to Create a Roadmap for Your Digital Marketing Success with Christi Olson @ChristiJOlson of @Microsoft @Bing
- How to Get Noticed and Advance Your Career with Hannah Morgan @careersherpa
- How to Write to Convert with Pam Neely @PamellaNeely #VCBuzz