Turning leads into sales is art that requires a certain set of skills.
How to generate more sales?
Let’s discuss!
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About @SchellerAnna
Anna Scheller @SchellerAnna is connector of great people and host of #USABizParty.
Anna is a dynamic speaker with a heart to help people create more sales as a success coach. Anna has been an educator and corporate sales trainer for over 20 years.
Anna is author of Black Belt Selling, Closing with Confidence, a “must have” business book for any business man or woman who needs more leads and sales.
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
I was failing in my main business! Didn’t understand marketing or sales.
I took a sales course, which led to another course, and before I knew it, I began teaching people sales. Living in a small town, I was forced to go online to help people. Love helping and connecting people now!
Q2 What was the source of inspiration behind your book?
My daughter @successsteph and my mentor @talkshowmaven They encouraged me to write the book based on our podcast #BlackBeltSelling #. So many people are intimidated by sales. It’s really about just having good old fashioned conversation.
My dream is to have a mentor. Where do I start? #vcbuzz
— Anna Fox (@manifestcon) August 24, 2021
Anna, that’s a great question. Listen to someone’s story to see if they have had some of the same struggles you have. How they have overcome their difficulties. Sometimes, those are the best mentors.
Find the people who are best at what you want to learn. Study everything they share. Interact with them on social, in comments — show a true interest. Then ask if they will mentor you.
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) August 24, 2021
If one says no, ask if they can recommend someone else. #vcbuzz
Q3 Can you learn to be a good sales person? Are there people out there that cannot master that skill no matter how much they try?
Can you learn to be a good sales person? YES! If I could learn sales, anyone can! My black belt training taught me that with practice, mentoring and feedback, you can learn any skill you set your mind to.
Are there people that cannot master that skill? I don’t believe so. Anyone can learn a new skill if they are willing to apply themselves to the work. Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be worth it? Absolutely!
Is it easier for extroverts? I am an introvert and sales process seems intimidating! #vcbuzz
— Jessy Troy (@jessytroy) August 24, 2021
That’s a good question! Actually, introverts do very well at selling because they are better listeners. Listening is key to getting more sales, because it gives value to the customer. Extroverts don’t always know when to be quiet and listen!
It seems to me that you have to be really good at persuading first. In practice, it is different from marketing a product or a service #vcbuzz
— Montse Cano (@MontseCano) August 24, 2021
There are different kinds of sales. Some of us are not suited to high pressure and the heavy psychological tactics used.
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) August 24, 2021
But a great book from years ago is High Probability Selling. When you offer people what they already want, anyone can be successful at #sales #vcbuzz https://t.co/q8mdRbRZ20
I actually read something yesterday that stated “if you’ve been on a date, you can do sales” because it’s a very similar transaction. You build a relationship, and then make the offer (ask them on the date) and if they accept that’s the conversion to a “sale”
— Charlie & Alyx – Charlie Appel Agency (@ColfaxInsurance) August 24, 2021
-Alyx #VCBuzz
One thing people forget-they can always become better than they were. Often that’s a great point of connection with others. It can make you more relatable. #vcbuzz
— Dana Lemaster Author (@LemasterAuthor) August 24, 2021
I totally agree. Moving away from high-pressure sales tactics often results in happier clients that are in better alignment with your business goals.
— Brian Kato (@katobkato) August 24, 2021
If I have to sell someone on the idea of my product/service, is it something they really want in the first place? #vcbuzz
#VCBuzz A3.2
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) August 24, 2021
So whilst I think the majority of people can learn to be good at sales,
I don't think everyone can be great at it,
and the type of sales may be a factor (direct/door, shop floor, cold outbound vs warm inbound etc. etc. etc.).
Q4 Where to start? How can one start developing their sales skills?
Where to start? Books are good, but find a course that teaches sales systems. Learning a system for sales was a game changer for me.
Yes, that definitely makes you an extrovert. And that is much better if most of your time is spent interacting with people.
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) August 24, 2021
Introverts tend to be drawn to tech, writing, creative work and hobbies that they can pursue alone or with a very small circle of friends. #vcbuzz https://t.co/KMBdXLOBzi
Develop sales skills: an essential key is to learn to ask good questions! Let the customer tell you what they need so you know how to help them oh, and did I mention Listen to their answers?
Too much experience with high-pressure tactics. In marketing, it is best not to appear salesy if you want to help with sales #vcbuzz
— Montse Cano (@MontseCano) August 24, 2021
Sales today is definitely about building relationships. Most people tend to buy from people they know, like and trust. Especially now when products can be researched and reviews are readily available.
A4. Start by improving the communication skills..discuss every buyer's pain points..review your calls & try to find out the areas you can make better and start working on it immediately..#vcbuzz
— Amal Ghosh (@AmalGhosh3) August 24, 2021
@schelleranna What about selling to a sales person? How do you sell to them, eg, working together with marketing? 😉 It's a classic obstacle. Thanks
— Montse Cano (@MontseCano) August 24, 2021
Most of the people I’ve worked with want to know how to sell without being salesy. We all have a bad taste in our mouth from pushy sales people. I can’t emphasize enough that the relationship is key to any sale!
Some things sales people persuaded others with was just incredible. It definitely is a useful skill to learn #vcbuzz
— Montse Cano (@MontseCano) August 24, 2021
The first sales book I read was “The Psychology of Selling” by Brian Tracy. I was inspired when I read that he struggled with sales, too!
The same tools and rules apply. Using the sales system he taught me, I convinced my mentor @EricLofholm to come to my hometown to speak at a banquet. He laughed when he realized I used his system successfully on him!
#VCBuzz A4.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) August 24, 2021
There's no shortage of books, online info, courses etc.
And if you join a company for sales, they will often give you either a crash course in sales, or a script for the specific offering etc.
But sales is more than knowing the product and a few lines.
A4: Ready to go into sales? Educate yourself! Read books, attend training and find a mentor. Dedicate yourself to the craft, and remember to listen attentively and have empathy—two critical traits to succeed in sales. #vcbuzz https://t.co/2NBr9mHGFp
— Jaime Shine ?️ (@jaimeshine) August 24, 2021
A4. You need to know your product through and through, of course. But, imo, it's even more important to understand your audience and why your product will add value for them. #vcbuzz
— Dana Lemaster Author (@LemasterAuthor) August 24, 2021
#VCBuzz A4.3
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) August 24, 2021
Things like pre-empting, objection handling, leading/programming etc. aren't standard social skills, and often require set situations.
So either roleplay or live training (ideally with support/feedback).
Q5 What are your favorite sales and marketing tools?
I’m all about what helps you track appointments and conversations. I use Hubspot as a CRM.
#VCBuzz A5.2
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) August 24, 2021
But the most effective "tools" are the skills,
robust personality, friendly demeanor, empathic listening and knowing the market/audience/product(or service).
Without those – the data/machines/management don't do much.
Our previous sales and marketing chats:
- How to Develop Your Sales Skills with Robert McAnderson @rmcanderson
- Create a Customer Journey Funnel to Increase Sales with Kami Huyse @kamichat #VCBuzz
- How to Increase Content Engagement Twitter Chat w/ @SEO_Hacker of @Qeryz #VCBuzz
- Expert Group Interview as Blog Growth Hack: Twitter Chat with Robbie Richards @RobbieRichMktg
- Community Management Twitter Chat with @NikkiElizDemere of @InboundOrg
- Community Building Twitter Chat with @ErikEmanuelli
- Authentic Social Media Sharing with Viral Content Buzz (User Testimonial)
- List Marketing Twitter Chat with @NickKellet