We are committed to making this website easy to use. But there still can be various questions. Please contact us with feedback or if you need help with anything.
First Steps (2)
What should I do immediately after I sign up?
- Please activate your account by clicking the link which was sent to your email address;
- Please enable your social media accounts to be able to share from them (Settings -> Social accounts)
- Please choose your favorite categories to customize your dashboard (this way you only see the topics you are interested in!)
Posted in: First Steps
What is a project?
A project is your article you would like people to share on Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and Tumblr. To add a project, please provide:
- The URL of your page;
- Its title (will be included in a Tweet when anyone shares it on Twitter)
- Its description (this is what VCB users see when they look through their VCB dashboards)
- The category of your project (to target most relevant users and shares)
- The budget of your project
- Which social media networks you want users to share it on
Posted in: First Steps
Projects and Credits (6)
What is the project budget?
Project budget is the total you are going to spend on each project sharing. You will spend points based on your sharers’ audience size, each social media update can cost you from 1 to 4 credits. So please estimate your project budget accordingly
Twitter Followers
100-999 = 1 credit
1000-4999 = 2 credits
5000-9999 = 3 credits
10000-49999 = 4 credits
50000+ = 5 creditsLinkedin: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 500 connections of Linkedin to qualify for sharing
Tumblr: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 30 followers of Tumblr to qualify for sharing
Pinterest: You earn 4 credits for each pin but you need an established Pinterest presence to qualify for sharing
Posted in: Projects and Credits
What is “My Categories”?
You can select your favorite categories in Settings -> Edit profiles to better target your dashboard. Each time you click “My Dashboard” it defaults to your favorite categories (you can click through to “All Categories” from there)
Posted in: Projects and Credits
How do I earn more credits for my own projects?
Once you join, we give you 10 credits for free. To earn more, simply share other people’s projects! You get credits each time you share!
Twitter: You gain points based on your audience size.
100-999 = 1
1000-4999 = 2
5000-9999 = 3
10000-49999 = 4
50000+ = 5Linkedin: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 500 connections of Linkedin to qualify for sharing
Tumblr: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 30 followers of Tumblr to qualify for sharing
Pinterest: You earn 4 credits for each pin but you need an established Pinterest presence to qualify for sharing
You can also spread a word about us and earn up to 100 credits here
Posted in: Projects and Credits
How do credits work?
- Your follower counts determine how many credits you earn as you share content within the VCB dashboard.
- As you earn credits by sharing, you build up a “bank”
- When you submit your own project to VCB, you’ll need to allocate some or all of your credits to this project (you call it “budget” although I think “pool” is more reflective of what it is)
- VCB members share your content, which earns them content from the pool you’ve allocated to your project. Remember that their follower count allows them to earn higher amounts of credits as they share, but this is okay; you’re willing to give up 5 credits for a tweet from someone with 100,000 followers, while a share from someone with 500 followers only costs you 1 credit.
- If your content goes so viral that you run out of credits in the pool for that project, the project is paused until you allocate more using credits you’ve earned yourself from sharing other members’ posts.
Here’s how much you spend when people share your content:
Twitter Followers
100-999 = 1 credit
1000-4999 = 2 credits
5000-9999 = 3 credits
10000-49999 = 4 credits
50000+ = 5 creditsLinkedin: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 500 connections of Linkedin to qualify for sharing
Tumblr: You earn 2 credits for each share but you need to have at least 30 followers of Tumblr to qualify for sharing
Pinterest: You earn 4 credits for each pin but you need an established Pinterest presence to qualify for sharing
[Note: You can use the same chart to figure out how much you are going to earn when sharing other users’ projects, based on your following.
Mind that you need at least 100 followers on Twitter, at least 500 connections on LinkedIn, and at least 30 followers on Tumblr in order to share VCB projects.
Your Pinterest account should be well-established either, please read more about this here
Posted in: Projects and Credits
How do I generate more shares for my projects?
1. When adding a project, select three most relevant categories (not just one)
2. Set the highest project budget that you can afford. We recommend starting with at least 30 credits.
(to get credits, simply share other people’s projects from your dashboard or use “Buy credits” option)
3. When the shares start slowing down, that may mean your project is moved down from the front page: You can move it back up by adding 30 credits to it.
4. Come back regularly to add more credits and change the categories. Changing the category will push your projects for more people to see. Obviously, only use relevant categories.

Access these options from “My Projects” section inside Viral Content Bee dashboard
Posted in: Projects and Credits
If I use this platform, will my article go viral?
VCB does NOT guarantee that your projects would go viral. In fact no one can ever guarantee that.
“Virality” happens naturally and may have various factors (none of which still guarantees anything):
- Content quality and (visual) appeal
- Content originality
- Content timeliness
- Content exposure to social media influencers who can seed some essential visibility
VCB can only help with the latter…
While many of our users see great results, this all comes down to how good their content is and how many people will spread and re-share the message after it’s seeded by VCB members.
Please read more here
Also, please check these quality guidelines we stick to:
Posted in: Projects and Credits
Quality Requirements (4)
Can any content be promoted through this platform?
Our platform is called “Viral Content Buzz” which implies that we are looking to help push high-quality content that has a good potential to go viral. Yes, that’s quite a vague definition but we will make sure to add more guidelines with time. So far, all the submissions are manually moderated. We won’t allow self-promotional or affiliate product reviews or made-for-ads ezinearticles-type content. All the rest is subject to our review.
Posted in: Quality Requirements
Why am I disabled from sharing on Pinterest?
Sometimes we have to disable certain accounts from sharing if we find that:
- Pinterest accounts and/or boards are too new (there are few followers and no interactions)
- Pinterest shares go to irrelevant boards
- Pinterest is used exclusively for VCB sharing
We aim at promoting authentic sharing and real value here, so we have to ask you to treat VCB shares seriously!
Posted in: Quality Requirements
Quality Requirements to VCB Social Media Accounts
While we do automatically evaluate your social media accounts based on how many connections you have built there, it’s not all about numbers…
Please be aware of these quality requirements:
- All social media accounts connected to VCB are required to maintain a natural social media presence: Share content from other places except for VCB, interact with friends, etc. We don’t allow to maintain social media accounts just for the sake of sharing VCB projects
- All social media accounts connected to VCB are required to have established following that interacts with the shares
- We may disable your social media accounts from VCB sharing if we notice there are no interactions with VCB projects you share.
- We may disable your social media account if we notice you share too aggressively.
- We will disable your account if you are promoting your own site in each social media update. Let’s keep things authentic!
Please read more here
Please be advised that if your shares are determined to be breaking our quality requirements, we may disable them and refund the users the spent credits.
VCB is all about natural sharing and building meaningful connections. Please only share content you really like and want to spread.
Posted in: Quality Requirements
How to build your social media accounts to qualify for VCB sharing?
Viral Content Buzz has Tumblr and Linkedin sharing enabled. However we cannot stress enough how serious we are about only allowing real, authentic and natural accounts to share from our platform.
If your Tumblr and Linkedin sharing has ever been disabled for you inside VCB, most probably that’s because your Tumblr and Linkedin accounts don’t comply with our quality guidelines. Don’t give up! You can be accepted back if you start building your account up. Here’s how…
[***Remember, by building up your Tumblr and Linkedin accounts, you invest in your own asset: Your powerful social media accounts will remain yours, whether you keep using VCB or not. You’ll be able to use for content marketing whenever you need it.]
But how do you build your social media account? I don’t mean how do you sign up, that is self explanatory. You need to know how to properly set up and use your account so that it is prime for growth, and offers you the best benefits. Especially if you are using it for content promotion, as I assume everyone reading this will be.
Be Thorough In Setting Up Your Social Media Account
You wouldn’t leave your Timeline cover photo or Twitter profile description blank, would you? How about use a terrible cover image for a Pinterest board you want people to follow? Of course not! So why wouldn’t you do everything in your power to make your social media profiles attractive and informative?
Take the time to complete your profile, and make sure it looks good and informs the viewer about what you do. It will help the right people find you. Besides, it looks cheap and unprofessional if you don’t. That is the wrong message to send.
Don’t Treat Social Media Account Like A Content Dumping Ground
Social media is not a dumping ground for every post you have ever written. It is a place where you can gracefully place certain pieces that you feel are your best, and promote them.
That doesn’t mean you can’t use it for all new posts as they come, but you want to ask yourself if they are really worth seeing? If not, take them off and replace them with something better.
Use social media to connect and discover content in the first place. Drive value to build your Karma up:
- Like pages shared by your connections (Find them on the platform home page after you login)
- Like and comment pages in categories you like
- Share pages that you just found awesome
Find People to Follow
Follow social media users to get followed back. This is often the first step to building up your social media presence: You need connections
I usually follow people who like or review content I liked or reviewed. I also follow people who follow my friends who we seem to share interests with
Do you have any tips for building up social media accounts? Let us know in the comments!
Posted in: Quality Requirements
TOS (1)
What’s your refund policy?
We offer 30-day money-back guarantee. Just contact us within 30 days after you paid and you’ll get a refund!
Posted in: TOS