Social PR and Facebook Marketing Tactics: Twitter Chat with Lisa Buyer @lisabuyer #VCBuzz

vcbuzz-lisaThis week at our weekly #VCBuzz Twitter chat we are happy to welcome a prolific social media PR evangelist and speaker Lisa Buyer @lisabuyer

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About Lisa

I’ve been fortunate enough to have met Lisa in person as well as visited some of her panels and can absolutely say she is one of the sweetest and smartest human beings I’ve ever known!

Lisa is the author of Social PR secrets book which we highly recommend to anyone who is into social media marketing. Check out awesome Lisa’s presentations at her Slideshare accounts: They are GOLD! Lisa is also the editor of #PRchat and contributor to Search Engine Watch

Questions we discussed

Lisa, since we’ve discussed various social media networks before at #VCBuzz and also we are limited with time, let’s focus today’s discussion on Facebook if you don’t mind!

Q1 An intro first… Can you summarize your social PR strategy for clients. What is social PR anyways?

Brands relationship status with Facebook: It’s complicated. Here goes: Social PR is visual, mobile, optimized, newsworthy, personalized, authentic way to tell your brand story. I define#SocialPR as using social media and search to get publicity for a brand. We must include search in the social #PR mix now, because search + social work synergistically. Social PR = Telling your story in a journalistic style front loaded with news your community really cares about!

Q2 Lisa, From our common Social Reviews panel at #Pubcon I remember being very impressed with your Facebook expertise. What’s your proven effective advice on increasing Facebook PAGE *engagement*? (something we are all struggling with especially ever since Facebook started over-monetizing brand presence in users’ streams)

Note: Please check out Lisa’s most recent article on brand building at Facebook

Facebook is complicated, what worked in 2012 and 2013 does not work now, so keep up with the cha-cha-changes! Stay visual (images capture attention in the newsfeed) – and be strategic on tagging other pages and users. As a #PR pro, I never thought I would support pay-to-play, but in #Facebook marketing it is a necessary evil #confession. MHO If your brand is using Facebook, you must first understand HOW to use Facebook to your advantage. Understand how to effectively target using #Facebook ads manager, optimize, stay social.

Q3 How are Facebook brand/page engagement tactics different from those on Twitter and Google Plus?

Facebook’s number of users and targeting advantages really sets the social network apart. Twitter is more of a real time news network, but it is catching up in visual. Note the recent profile changes. Facebook and Twitter both offer re-targeting opportunities which could be huge via @perfectaudience Google Plus is a challenge, but you can’t ignore the search visibility opportunity in branded search with an active Google Page.

Q4 You are very active conference participant and you never miss any social panels.. What’s your newest Facebook marketing tactic you picked up at a conference?

Re-targeting using your brand’s email list is the way to go for fan growth when it comes to Facebook. Again – I also like re-targeting your website visitors on Twitter and Facebook. Brands can use #Facebook targeting as a media relations strategy by targeting workplaces such as @WSJ – proceed strategically!

Category targeting is also something to dig into.

Will dig up some good links, but follow @dennisyu @jonloomer for more details lots of #Facebook goodness

Q5 What are your favorite (preferably inexpensive) Facebook marketing and/or analytics tools?

Has anyone tried re-targeting yet on Facebook? It could be your #SocialPRSecrets weapon! Facebook insights, Facebook Ads Manager and Facebook Power Editor are the first start.

  • #1 is Twitter #2 Facebook #3 Google+ but Google+ is catching up to Facebook for me personally.
  • Automate to save time but keep it personalized with tools such as @hootsuite
  • I’m a big fan of @bufferapp – the business version is incredible but there is also a free version.
  • Google Analytics is free and marketers must understand the ins and outs of the social reporting features

For #Facebook crash course what you need to know see @marismith @Dennisyu Facebook course

If there is a marketing budget that covers analytics and tools @Moz is super social fab

Q6 Lastly: Your favorite tip to a brand that is only starting on Facebook? #wheretostart?

KISS Start with your current customers and your website visitors (use existing email lists). Make sure your content is optimized to drive traffic back to your website or blog. Fill out ALL profile information! Look for ways to do social promotions like sweepstakes and giveaways via apps like @heyo

The best way to build a community is from within your current communities”  @aimclear Marty Weintraub


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