Social Media Advertising Twitter Chat with Lisa Raehsler @lisarocksSEM #VCBuzz

vcbuzz-lisa-raehsler-lisarockssemPaying for search and social media clicks is an essential part of content marketing. And not an easy one!

Our mentor will hopefully make the process a bit easier for us: Please meet Lisa Raehsler @lisarocksSEM

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About Lisa

Lisa Raehsler is the founder and principal strategist at Big Click Co., an online advertising company and Google AdWords Partner, specializing in strategy and management of SEM and PPC for search engines, display, retargeting, and social media ad campaigns

Please connect to Lisa on Linkedin

Questions we discussed

Q1 Why PPC? How did you find your career in search and social media marketing?

I started in general online marketing, but then found PPC is so challenging decided to focus on it + social media ads.

The industry is constantly changing and evolving. I love the complexity and challenge so I have dedicated my career to it.

Not as an expert, I have been at agencies at paid work since 2003

I think it complements organic efforts and almost any other online tactic.

Q2 Can a content marketer / online business do without social media ads? What are they missing if we don’t add PPC ads to our traffic acquisition methods?

PPC is suitable for almost any type of business, depending on the business goals. Sometimes it is the only way to get the message out

Businesses can meet their goals through organic + social sources, but this helps to fill in any gaps + great for promotions! One thing they may be missing is the audience targeting

PPC allows almost endless targeting capabilities of demographics, behavioral, search terms etc. Advertisers can get started with most platforms on a minimal budget, so its easy to test ?

Right, try a few platforms to see what works based on goals: branding, traffic, leads, sales, etc.

Not only Adwords, Bing, and social ads. I tend to see Bing Ads a bit less on the CPCs personally for search

I have more to add in the next question about the variety of platforms

Q3 What’s the most efficient and cost-effective social media network to advertise on from your experience? What’s your favorite tactic there?

Not a generic answer, but best social media ad networks depends on your business and budget.

Popular social media platforms are LI, FB, Twitter, then Pinterest has a “waitlist”.

Advertisers want to look at where their audience is “hanging out” and the platforms’ targeting methods.

LinkedIn can be good for business targeting, obv, Facebook for interest targeting. LinkedIn can be expensive having a $2 min bid, but they are highly targeted to business. LinkedIn ads can target job titles, functions, even companies! I have actually found LinkedIn effective for marketing content, like whitepapers, something that adds value to the professional

Also keep in mind that LinkedIn behaves more like display ads in response rates

I personally haven’t had much experience or client with a good fit for Instagram, but keep in the loop on it.

Q4 Please explain retargeting and how can we get the most of it (on a small budget)?

Let’s use Adwords as an example as it’s easy to get up and running. Advertisers will put a snippet of code on their website to cookie visitors, these visitors are added to a marketing list.

Visitors are NOT personally identifiable, but identifiable by actions, such as a page visit

Advertisers define lists, such as “visitors hit shopping cart”, then target ads to them as navigate the web.

Budgets: can be set at any amount. You can keep bids low to save.

Nice comments, you shouldn’t feel “stalked” by the ads, ad managers should put some limits on them ? They can be limited by time that passes, impression frequency, or if the person already converted.

Q5 How can one estimate the social media advertising budget? Where to start and how to save? Please list your favorite tools!

Here is a way to get started on determining a budget, given it could be aaanything, right?

First start with some simple research. Using the estimating tools in each ad platform. Run some targeting scenarios to get an idea of the CPC (cost-per-click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions). You need to get an idea if a click is $1 or $10…

Social ads will require more filling out targeting to see their estimates in ad interface

Thank you! I’m a PPC nerd, I love chatting about it and helps to see other POVs!

Our previous PPC chats:


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