Lead Generation Tips and Tricks with Mike McDonald @MikeSMcDonald #VCBuzz

Lead Generation Tips and Tricks with Mike McDonald @MikeSMcDonald #VCBuzzLead generation is the ultimate goal of building traffic, and it’s not just about B2B. We want any visitor that lands to your page to convert, whether it’s a direct sale, a member of our social media community or a lead. Today we are talking about lead generation.

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About Mike

Mike McDonald is a digital entrepreneur who believes that instilling confidence to public on your product will keep them coming back for more products. Mike did a great review of Viral Content Bee

Please connect to Mike on Linkedin

Questions we discussed

Q1 You have a very inspiring story of how you became an entrepreneur. Please tell our buzzers about your career journey.

I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur … My first entrepreneur was a family friend, then it was my Dad.

I started online just a few years ago, reason was my wife and I wanted to raise our own kids … no daycare for our kids. I have 3 great kids that my wife gets to drop off at school, p/u if they’re not feeling well, and go to assemblies.

I’ve been into health most of my life, whether play hockey, softball, running ½ marathons, or speedskating.  This lead me to my MLM and then into coaching clients, and speaking on stage at an optometrist convention about sales.

So that’s it in a nut shell … I found my passion and went for it. Any questions on that part?


Biggest thing is you have to love what you do. If you have a family make sure they are on board.

For her nope, even though she had fun doing what she was doing being with the kids is what she wanted.

Q2 Let’s start from the basics for those who are not familiar with the term: What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the ability to pull clients to you that express an interest in your products or services.

Hope that helps explain what the term Lead Generation. Some people consider a lead some that is a follow on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

I consider a lead someone that we start a conversation with and then gives a follow, friend request, or opts into a free offer.


My blog does very well, Faebook is a big one for me.

Q3 What are your best-working tips to build leads?

The biggest thing is being consistent everyday with my Daily Method of Operation. When you’re consistent people will start to see you as the leader. Everyone starts off at 0, then 1, then 10, and so on.

One of the best things that I ever did was create my own ebooks as a give a way. This will introduce you to your audience and over deliver, the more value you put out the more you get back.


My DMO is 1) personal development 2) content creation 3) met people daily

I have started to get involved more with B2B to get them going on Social Media, dance studios and Real Estate. An ebook must be the answers to your audiences problems … provide solutions and you’ll get leads.

You have to know why your customer will buy, so knowing your target market will go along way. I like to keep things short with pictures. An easy way to find out is looking at forums

Yes! Just listen and be the solution to their problem.

Q4 How to generate more leads from social media?

This is the fun part.

Generating leads from social media is about being social. Concentrate on 1 platform, keep it simple. Many people get overwhelmed and jump all over. Stay with 1 platform and then add after a while.

Go out and meet at least 10 people per day, this can be done on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Pinterest. On any platform.

I like FB, when you met people they’ll search you on Google … this is why you must have a blog, or a Youtube channel.  Search your name … what comes up this is what people will see about you.

I will message (say Hi) 10 people per day, follow 50 people per day. What happens, people will usually message you back. People will also follow you back and if they don’t move on. This helps start conversations to see if you’re a good fit. You’re out to make friends … Friends tell friends their problems. Then you can solve their problems. Maybe you have a solution if not then you may have a friend you can refer them to.

I use mainly my profile as I like to get to know people and your profile can do this. I have a link in my BIO so they can click and go to my FB Page, and they will people.

Q5 What are your favorite lead generation tools?

My best is FB messenger, you can voice message which adds that little extra. Most will just message through text.

Send a voice message and see what happens. And my blog … generates leads and sales daily. Those are really it … the biggest thing is to build relationships. Every friend was a stranger, so just go make friends.

Keep it simple talk to people, and treat them like a person. They may come on board with you, they may not. Oh, well.


Facebook sends a message and I’ll accept.

My blog, love this leaders read, so make sure to read 20 minutes per day.

Our previous lead generation chats:


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