Telling your brand’s story is one thing.
But getting it heard is a completely different, more challenging task.
How do you get huge publications and media outlets to reference you and spread your message?
How do you do PR the way it delivers traffic and links?
The easiest way to start is with @helpareporter – it's free to sign up, and has landed me (not to mention @ContentFac clients) coverage everywhere from @Forbes to @glamourmag and @FastCompany https://t.co/WsHYnrogoq
— Kari DePhillips (@KarileeD) October 11, 2022
Improving your journalistic outreach is your first step to a better PR and link building strategy.
***Add #VCBuzz chats to your calendar here.
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About Kari DePhillips @contentfac
Kari DePhillips is founder and CEO of The Content Factory @contentfac
Connect to Kari on Linkedin!
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
I started out as a content writer, and eventually learned that what I was doing was called #SEO.
Once I learned more about SEO, I got better at it – and eventually founded @contentfac in 2010.
I found all of @contentfac‘s first clients on Craigslist – including our first several national brands. Turns out, CL is good for more than just used couches.
Q2 Why would a company need a journalist outreach? In other words, what are the goals of an outreach?
For one, to get in front of their target audiences – people can’t buy from you if they don’t know who you are or why your products/services are awesome.
A2. The reality is that many competitive topics demand sharing in order to rank and be found. Effective outreach includes goals are all about relationships. Above maintaining existing connections, you should reach out and make new ones to grow your network. #vcbuzz
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) October 11, 2022
Often, these major media placements (or even placements in niche, but highly relevant outlets) drive actual clicks and sales.
Also, there’s the #SEO benefit of the backlinks #PR coverage generates – this is difficult to quantify, but a few links can make a big difference in SERP rankings IME #vcbuzz I got into PR trying to get great at SEO. Now I love both, equally
A2: Develop relationships with journalists in your target audiences (and/or geographic area), so they're more receptive when you have a pitch or news about your brand to share. #vcbuzz https://t.co/VGCoYNdFnN
— Jaime Shine ? Marketer | Writer (@jaimeshine) October 11, 2022
Q3 Let’s talk about HARO: What is it and how to use it?
@helpareporter is, hands down, the best free #PR resource out there.
Here’s @ContentFac‘s guide re: how HARO works, plus a free download of the same pitch template we use for our clients.
I get HARO everyday. Will have to read. #vcbuzz https://t.co/XBQ8vZKVuG
— Lori Anding ? ?? || Introverted SoMe extrovert (@southbaysome) October 11, 2022
#VCBuzz A3.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 11, 2022
HARO is a platform to aid Reporters in making connections/getting information etc.
It's also a way for businesses/marketers to see ways to get in to the media/press, by fulfilling Journo needs.
But it's only part of the process.
Another point worth mentioning – relationship building! It’s super important to know who you’re pitching, what they’re currently working on, if they’re on vacation for the next 6 months, etc. Twitter is great for this research, BTW
A3: Pay?or like services similar to HARO do this:
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) October 11, 2022
♦️be interesting
♦️generate buzz around your business
♦️be “findable”
♦️align w/ audience's needs
After all, journalists also seek info via Google Search and social media to discover stories that will interest readers.#vcbuzz
I've got a podcast pitching guide you may be interested in ✨ #vcbuzz https://t.co/vur3BeJAND
— Kari DePhillips (@KarileeD) October 11, 2022
#VCBuzz A3.3
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 11, 2022
Ideally, you should also have a repository for data and events, which can also make thee Journalists life a lot easier.
And have a dedicated media-contact!
Along side those – things like Social Media and SEO can go a long way to ensuring you can be found.
Q4 How to craft a good pitch?
First, know who you’re pitching – starting with how to spell the reporter’s name.
I live in fear of someone sending a bad pitch, and getting called out on Twitter – @michaelsmartpr shares these horror stories (and a ton of A+ #PR tips) via his newsletter.
Next, if you’re mass emailing reporters with some [name] modifiers, you’re gonna have a hard time. No mass email situation will ever yield the same results as custom, individual outreach with a human-to-human approach + targeted messaging.
A4.b Key point by @KarileeD – mass targeting is best replaced with genuine relationship building with a one on one person approach. People respond when you address their unique needs. #vcbuzz https://t.co/3hqP4LJjCT
— Jeannie Hill (@essentialskill) October 11, 2022
Here’s the deal – researching the right reporters for your #PR message takes time. But it’s better to spend 10 hours to find the 1 right reporter + craft the perfect pitch than to burn 50 hours on a shotgun approach that’s almost certain to embarrass your brand.
#VCBuzz A4.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 11, 2022
By being considerate of their time/effort.
No bluff, fluff or duff.
Provide the info:
* Who
* What
* When
* Where
* Why
* How
Keep it as:
* short as you can
* accurate as possible
* informative
And if at all possible:
* Provide relevant data
* Be original/unique
Q5 Apart from HARO, what are your favorite outreach and relationship building tools?
So glad you asked – @qwoted is also awesome for DIY #PR, and like @helpareporter also has a freemium version. But the new hotness: individual journalist @Substack newsletters @alywalansky @BryceGruber and @LindsayTigar have the best I’ve seen.
A5 Twitter! Most journalists have a presence on Twitter so it is a great place to research what they care about and how they want to be pitched.
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) October 11, 2022
Which, ironically, is usually NOT on Twitter. #vcbuzz https://t.co/cAUFvB69HF
#VCBuzz A5
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) October 11, 2022
I do specific searches looking for publications about specific events/topics.
I can then either reach out to the publication/site,
or dig further for the author and reach out to them.
Our previous outreach chats:
- How to Set Up an Effective Outreach Campaign with Gareth Simpson @SimpsonGareth
- How to Still Build Links (Even in Boring Niches) with @JasonAcidre #VCBuzz
- Chatting Links and Relationships with @JulieJoyce #VCBuzz
- How to Set Up an Effective Community Management Program w/ Ashley Ward @ashleymadhatter of @SEMrush #VCBuzz
- How to Incentivize Bloggers to Promote Your Site w/ Sam Charles @SamCharlesUK #VCBuzz