How to Understand Your Customers’ Content Needs with @PamDidner #VCBuzz

Content marketing starts with your audience research. You need to understand how to best meet your customers’ needs and answer their questions. This is exactly what we are talking about today.

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About Pam

Pam Didner is an expert at creating successful global marketing plans that meet local marketing needs. Being in the corporate world for 20+ years and having held various positions from accounting and supply chain management to marketing, she has a holistic view of how a company runs.

Pam Didner is author of Global Content Marketing: How to Create Great Content, Reach More Customers, and Build a Worldwide Marketing Strategy that Works [Amazon link]

Questions we discussed

Q1 Please tell us a few words about yourself. How did you become a content marketer?

It all started with creating content for my target audience: IT managers love long form content especially on technical products. Really, it’s not a glamorous start of content marketing. It’s merely to serve my target customers.

I use several tools Twitter, Social Baker, Google Search Council, Buzzsumo etc. You get different insights using different tools.

I know. As much as the world runs on 140 characters, I still love long form content.

Q2 How can we use customer feedback to create compelling content?

One way is to create questionnaires: collect & filter data based on customers, service, issues & provide content as a feedback.

Another way is to use social listening and look for issues potential customers have and create content that resolves them.

Surveymonkey or Google survey tool. Free is my BFF. LOL.

Social listening is using social media tools to understand your audiences’ needs, challenges, and aspirations.

Q3 How can we find and understand our target audience?

Many ways to do this online with search/social media. I like old fashioned way: talk to sales team & your customers directly.

We forgot what a “phone” is for. It’s OK to talk to your customers directly.

I mean calling them. I’d get a permission from my sales team 1st. Call them and ask them about their challenges and pain points.

For Enterprises, Salesforce seems to be the default choice. For me, I really like Sales Navigator.

Q4 What is interactive content and how it affects customer experience & engagement?

Interactive content comes in different forms: quizzes, contests, posts on Medium or well-designed long-form content on microsites.

In a way, it’s true!

The effect of interactive content lies in design & copywriting. Think it through how to present content to allow engagement.

Here are some examples of interactive content.

Truth– Interactive content takes time and budget to do it right. Once it’s done right, it requires $$$ to promote it. Quizzes, Interactive infographics are not expensive. Some interactive content can be very $$$, it’s like creating a microsite.

Q5 What are some key elements of relevant and interesting content?

Copywriting and visuals are keys. Smart copywriting and compelling visuals go a long way.

Content has to be optimized for difference screen sizes. Get proper font size for smaller screens. User interface is key.

Q6 Are buyers personas still important in content creation. Why – Why not?

Yes! Well written persona can guide your content creation & syndication by determining the editorial topics & promo channels.

It seems that we need to market to everyone nowadays. That’s not true. Don’t confuse your writing with your target audience.

Your copywriting can be conversational like you talk to everyone, but you write with a specific person in mind.

It took me a while to understand the differences.

Our previous content analytics chats:


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