How to Set up and Market an Online Conference with @AlexTachalova of @DigitalOlympus #vcbuzz

How to Set up and Market an Online Conference with @AlexTachalova of @DigitalOlympus #vcbuzzConnecting and educating people are two effective ways to establish niche authority and build valuable connections. And there’s no better way to achieve both goals by setting up an event.

With today’s technology you don’t need to worry about finding a venue: You can launch your event online. But how to do that? Let’s discuss!

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About Alexandra

Alexandra Tachalova @AlexTachalova is digital marketer as well as contributor to huge marketing media outlets including @Moz @sejournal @Entrepreneur.

More recently, @AlexTachalova has founded

Connect to Alexandra on Linkedin

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? What’s your career story?

I remember I was interested in all things online ever since I was a teenager, I built my very first website when I was 12. I had been using Torrent a lot! And I ended up working at where managed a team of 12 people.

I was born in April 2016. Since then I had met world renowned digital marketing speakers and brought together a tight knit digital marketing community.

Q2 What are the first steps to take when launching an online conference? What to plan and how to set one up?

1. Start with a topic. Sometimes it’s good to be a laser-targeted event. For instance, like @TaliaGw did about CRO.

2. Search for speakers and partners. It’s better to plan everything in advance.

If you’re a newbie in your industry it will be difficult to get attention of world-known experts. We recommend reaching out to influencers who might have a smaller yet very engaged group of followers.

Yes, that’s an excellent point. Actually that was one of the reasons why we’ve decided to launch @DigitalOlympus.

Also don’t neglect paid channels, especially Facebook ads. We’ve found that FB works quite well when it comes to online events.

I would recommend to check @BuzzSumo that allows you to see the most viral topics in your industry/niche. Another option will be checking Quora and Reddit 🙂

Yes, that’s my number one tool! Can’t imagine my life without @BuzzSumo

Q3 You have an impressive list of speakers! How do you find them and manage to speak at your conference?

The majority of @DigitalOlympus speakers are experts that I know personally. Also I use LinkedIn that has a great number of features that make it easy to develop relationships with the right experts.

Can’t agree more with this! Twitter and LinkedIn are among my favorite channels.

For instance, I try to share something useful on LinkedIn on a regular basis. My recent post has gained over 50 likes and a good number of comments.

Q4 How to stand out from the crowd? How to make your online event unique and useful?

  1. Look for something that has never been done before by mixing known methods.
  2. Analyze what tactics people from other professional areas use.
  3. Always ask your participants and speakers for feedback

It’s all about bringing value to your audience. At @DigitalOlympus we don’t sell anything during/after our event, and we don’t have sponsors either because we’ve learned that this type of collaboration negatively affects our audience engagement rates.

Yes, definitely. Btw, Cirque du Soleil is a great example. They decided to break away from traditional circus shows by borrowing ideas from Broadway.

Q5 What are your favorite event marketing tools?

Previously we used @WebinarJam for live streaming, but then decided to do it directly from FB and YouTube.

Also among my favorite tools are @followerwonk that gives you an ability to create Twitter custom audiences.

We don’t want to limit access to our live stream.

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