How to Find Communities to Join When You Are New with Alissa M. Trumbull @AnOrchidInBloom #VCBuzz

How to Find Communities to Join When You Are New with Alissa M. Trumbull @AnOrchidInBloom #VCBuzzJoining niche communities is the best way to establish valuable business connections, build your presence and become known.

But where to start? How to find which communities to join and how to get accepted? Let’s discuss!

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About Alissa

Alissa M. Trumbull @AnOrchidInBloom works in campaign and event management. She is co-founder of @BizGalz.

@AnOrchidInBloom is also ambassador for #Foodiechats & #SocialRoadTrip.

Questions we discussed

Q1 Why is it important to be part of community when building your online presence?  How did you end up being part of three active communities: #BizGalz, #Foodiechats & #SocialRoadTrip. Why those?

Communities are great both online and offline for meeting people and learning more about what you’re interested in. I love the group for that very reason.

is a passion project and I started about 2 1/2 years ago (wow!). It’s been wonderful building that community.

was the first Twitter chat I EVER participated in! They celebrated their 350th consecutive chat last night! (WHOOP!) I can’t always join anymore, but the community is always close to my heart.

is simply incredible. founded it a few years ago. It’s an amazing way to take your online relationships to in-person relationships. We have meetups a few times a year. The next one is in July in San Diego.

Q2 How to search for communities to join when you are just entering a niche? How to identify which ones are worth spending time at?

Always use your network. Talk to friends and colleagues to see which communities they fund valuable around a topic in which you’re interested.

Be sure to do your research. There are a lot of wonderful communities out there (like for coding, cooking, and more). You need to find the one(s) that are right for you and what you’re looking for.

Twitter chats are an amazing way to find different communities for topics you’re interested in pursuing.

Exactly! I shouted out #JustBeSocial earlier. It’s pretty much my favorite chat. And it happens 24/7.

Q3 How to make yourself comfortable in a new community? How to build partnerships and friendships when you are new and shy?

Say hello. That’s often all you need to get a conversation started.

If you’re joining a community as a “newbie” you already have some common ground around the community’s focus/topic. Start there. Share about why you find it interesting.

Spot on with that, Josh! A little listening goes a long way.

Q4 Are there people you learned social media networking from? Please list some of community building mentors and influencers you are following

Definitely , , , . These are some of my favorite community builders.


Q5 What are your favorite networking and community building tools?

Twitter and Facebook groups are my favorite places to engage with people and communities that are of interest to me.

My favorite Facebook groups are for a few organizations of which I am a member. I also love the group.

Our previous community building chats:


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