How to Build Your Business Visibility with @KimBeasley #VCBuzz

In today’s online clutter, how to get your business heard and seen? How to stand out in the crowd of competitors? How to become visible? Let’s talk about this today!

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About Kim

.@KimBeasley is social media marketer and author of The Creative Introverted Entrepreneur: Learn To Be SEEN So That You Can SELL Online To Your Target Customers

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Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become social media marketer? Please share your career journey?

I stumbled into social media marketing around 2001 when I started participating in mailing lists.

The mailing list was used to allow women entrepreneur to share their business news & get connected. Since then, I’ve been using Twitter (2007), LinkedIn (2005), Facebook (2007) & Google+ (2011) to market

Q2 What is online visibility and how to build it?

Online visibility is when you share your business on social media to grow awareness. You can build it with networking, Twitter chats, ads, and many more ways. But remember this… Remember to always to have a strategy in mind that incorporates relationship building.

Q3 What are your favorite social media platforms and why? Which ones work best for visibility?

I mentioned Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, & Facebook before. I’ll also add YouTube & Instagram.

Do your research to see where your target client hang out & be there. My top social networks… Are Twitter & Instagram with a little bit of G+, Facebook & LinkedIn. When you figure it out, create strategy, implement it & monitor it.

Yes, G+ is still active & it helps with search engine result since it integrates with Google.

I use @Crowdfire which let’s me engage quickly on social media. It’s mobile & browser.

Q4 What are your favorite most actionable tips when it comes to building online visibility?

  • Do your research about: target market, competitors & industry. Research reveals a lot.
  • Create a strategy that incorporates engagement, relationship building & activity.
  • Don’t be afraid to engage industry leader. Create relationship though.
  • Tweak what’s not working & be bold with your marketing

Q5 What are your favorite social media tools?

The list is long.

Let’s start with @Buffer, @eClincher & @Shareist for managing social media, content & ROI .

For graphic creation, I love @Canva. For video making, I use @Lumenfive (new service).

I’m addicted to @Lumenfive because it can pull in your RSS feed to make it easy to create blog posts.

For quick engagement on social media, I use @crowdfire.

There are many more tools that I could list but I’ll stop there because I don’t want to overwhelm anyone.

Our previous social media marketing chats:


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