Halloween GIF Party at #VCBuzz

As you may know, last month we introduced VISUAL TWEETS at Viral Content Bee. From now on, to get more exposure to your articles, you can upload an image to go in the tweets promoting it. We love visual tweets for so many reasons:

  • Tweets with images are more engaging. Tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets (according to Buffer) and Tweets using pics are 94% more likely to be ReTweeted (according to Dan Zarrella)
  • They make your Twitter feed look much nicer (which results in more followers)
  • Images let you say more than 140 characters allow you to say. Images don’t count into your Twitter update character limit, so there’s no real excuse for not using them

Images let you express your feelings, add humor, post instructions (through animated GIFs), etc. etc.


To add an image, simply click “Attach Image” when enabling Twitter from within “Add a new project” section.

VCB visual tweets

Keep in mind best practices and recommendations for Twitter update images:

  • Keep 2:1 Ratio ratio.
  • Minimum to appear expanded 440 x 220 pixels
  • Maximum file size of 5 MB for photos, and 5 MB for animated GIFs on mobile and 15 MB on web

>>Also, consider going PRO to receive monthly free credits and queue priority!

Now, to celebrate this cool update, we are going to have a quick GIF party!

We don’t have any guest for today (because it’s Halloween and all we want is to have fun!). Come and bring your scary animated GIF! The more the better! We’ll share ’em and get all pumped up for the party! See you there!







Viral Content Bee is the free platform for social media sharing helping you get more shares for your high-quality content

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