Link building is still the most important, yet the most challenging part of any SEO campaign, with email outreaching being its key component.
How to create an effective email outreach strategy that outperforms your competitors and generates great link?
Let’s discuss!
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About @LauraSlingo
@LauraSlingo is outreach manager at @sagegroupplc.
She is usually found building links & brands.
Laura is #BrightonSEO speaker.
Follow @LauraSlingo on LinkedIn
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
I started as a copywriter at a jobs board and wrote blogs, press releases, whitepapers, emails, scripts, billboard ads etc. across several markets. One day my boss asked me if I’d like to try outreach for SEO and I never looked back!
I then joined SEO agency @seekerdigital as Campaign Manager and worked my way up to Head of Outreach, leading the flagship service. Life took me to @sagegroupplc a year ago to lead the global offsite SEO strategy and it’s a dream job I adore.
I’m very lucky that my line of work has the perfect blend of creativity and strategy, it suits me to a tee!
Q2 What is the key component of an effective outreach? Is it finding contacts? Creating a great email copy? Or?
Effective outreach is all about the value proposition. Your story, resource, product, or hook must make sense to the person you’re pitching to if you want coverage & a link. Once that’s nailed, work on crafting the email for your target audience.
Haha it certainly is! Dare I say I believe outreach is one of the hardest disciplines in digital marketing… It’s like sales for introverts.
Q3 How to get your email noticed?
Get your big red buzzer out because it depends! Again, think of your target audience and put yourself in their shoes to work out what they find valuable. For a journalist with an inbox full of headlines, a relevant, well-formatted subject line is everything.
If you’re contacting a marketing manager at a small business or startup that’s juggling many hats (and would likely welcome some blog content), a short and sweet email with a solid lede would get you noticed.
Such a good point. Relationships are everything with outreach, as does the trustworthiness of an email address. e.g. you’re more likely to respond to a branded email address than a gmail. Yes, cold outreach still works but nurturing a relationship is golden
Not particularly. But I think it would depend on the brand you are representing and who you’re emailing and working out if it makes sense. If you’re adding non-text just to be “eye-catching”, perhaps the copy isn’t strong enough?
It’s such a shame that so many link builders are trying to game the system. It gives outreach such a bad name. We hope it comes from a lack of knowledge on how to do good outreach/content marketing/PR, but I fear it comes from wanting results cheap and fast.
Q4 How to create an outreach strategy that’s unique and effective? In other words, how to build better links than your competitors have?
Every outreach strategy should be tied to your organic performance goals. An effective outreach strategy is one that is part of your holistic SEO strategy, designed to impact your rankings, organic traffic, and revenue.
To build better links than competitors, first review what’s working for your competitors, what’s working in your SERPs, and stay up to date with industry trends to find out how outreach can be a lever to support your SEO performance.
A good link is one that is good for web, i.e. it’s genuinely useful, relevant to your target audience, and offers unique value. You should acquire links in a multi-faceted way, working with other digital marketing teams you share ROI touchpoints with.
Q5 What are your favorite link building outreach tools?
@ahrefs is my baby
If you’re actively running outreach campaigns I would also recommend @SerpWorx, @PitchboxApp, and @BuzzSumo.
Get savvy with Google Sheets or Excel, along with GA, and GSC to prove how your outreach impacts the bottom line too.
Our previous link building chats:
- Journalistic Outreach Done Right with Kari DePhillips @contentfac #vcbuzz
- How to Set Up an Effective Outreach Campaign with Gareth Simpson @SimpsonGareth
- How to Still Build Links (Even in Boring Niches) with @JasonAcidre #VCBuzz
- Chatting Links and Relationships with @JulieJoyce #VCBuzz
- How to Set Up an Effective Community Management Program w/ Ashley Ward @ashleymadhatter of @SEMrush #VCBuzz
- How to Incentivize Bloggers to Promote Your Site w/ Sam Charles @SamCharlesUK #VCBuzz