Bring #BossLadies Together with Jade Phillips @lifeofaworkgirl #VCBuzz #BizGalz

Bring #BossLadies Together with Jade Phillips @lifeofaworkgirl #VCBuzz #BizGalzThe Internet has changed the world forever: These days everyone has a voice and everyone can be heard, thanks to projects like #BizGalz which celebrates “successful women as icons, pioneers and innovators.” Let’s talk about this awesome initiative today with its co-founder @lifeofaworkgirl

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About Jade

Jade Phillips @lifeofaworkgirl is blogger, social media geek, athlete and serious foodie. Jade is  co-founder of @BizGalz and brand and communications lead at @CharityJob.

Connect to Jade on Linkedin!

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please tell us your career story!

I started off working at Nike as an intern in their marketing team – incredible experience that taught me the power of innovation.

Shortly afterwards, I created my blog and started guest writing. I love creating content and this really gave me a push.

Haha, I was working on the shop floor while studying at uni and landed the internship. Super experience!

And now, I’m with a lovely biz called CharityJob – leading the comms team and working on anything from branding to emails! Amazing team of people, a place where ideas are encouraged & we all play a part. It’s like a little family ?

That’s what we call them ? make a difference, make a living. It’s all about doing our bit to help charities

Q2 What/who inspired you to start the #BizGalz initiative? Please tell us more about the project!

I started joining in twitter chats a few years ago and noticed there wasn’t a place for women to connect. So I reached out to @AnOrchidInBloom and we started working on the project together! Its been a joint effort.

I just think it’s so important for men and women to come together to discuss topics like equality.

Yes I do! I have a twitter chat calendar on my blog here.

Q3 How do you find guests to feature in #BizGalz? How do you come up with discussion topics? Do you have some kind of an editorial calendar?

We look for people who share our values & have a lot 2 offer our community. They can be connections or people we come across online!

We use @Calendly to keep all of our topics/guests organized. It’s an amazing tool! Highly recommend.

Q4 What would be your advice to someone looking to start a similar project? What are your favorite tips to promote an initiative like this one?

First, make sure you have the time. Twitter chats need to be planned well and topics should add value to a community.

Don’t take on everything alone! Team up with someone who you know – @AnOrchidInBloom is amazing to work with & we do it as a team.

When promoting at chat, start with who you know. Make sure you stimulate the conversation and word will get out. Also… Be patient.

Q5 You seem to wear so many hats! How do you manage to do so much? What are your favorite productivity tips?

Number 1 tip: know when to ask for help. You’re human and we all need support sometimes!

Our previous community management chats:


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