Biggest Technology Trends that Affect Content Marketing (And How to Adapt) with @DavidHartshorne #vcbuzz

Biggest Technology Trends that Effect Content Marketing (And How to Adapt) with @DavidHartshorne #vcbuzzContent marketing is one of the fastest changing marketing area. With so many tech trends and advances, content marketing is evolving and it is exciting to watch that evolution.

Whether you are innovating together with the industry determines how successful your digital marketing is going to be.

Let’s discuss technology trends that affect content marketing!

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About @DavidHartshorne

@DavidHartshorne is freelance SEO Copywriter working with technology brands to create in-depth, engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Check out David’s copywriting services and blog at Technical Copywriting Services from David Hartshorne

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a content marketer? Please share your career story!

By accident! Not a professional answer, but kinda what happened. I left my corporate job in the software industry and started dabbling online. After a year of blogging, a few people suggested I should offer my services writing for other people.

So I did, and the rest is history … as “they” say … The more you write, the more you become aware of content marketing and how you have to tailor your content to meet each target audience.

With a background in IT and software, I’ve focused more on writing technical content. That’s what I enjoy. And that’s what I do best!

As says: ”The technical side to content marketing is just as important as the creative side!”

Q2 Which technology trends impact content marketing nowadays?

Here are four things to consider

  1. AI
  2. Voice Search
  3. Skills Gap
  4. The Oldies

AI and Bots are definitely trending, and make it easier to personalize content. AI can gather and interpret huge amounts of data in seconds. This helps content marketers to learn more about their audiences and deliver the content they want.

just released a new market-leading AI technology feature to their social listening platform that lets clients track brand mentions across video as well as text and image.

Voice Search continues to grow in popularity –> ComScore reckons that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020.

But new technologies often result in a skills gap. Content marketers need to learn how to use and embrace the new technology.

  • Social media (85%)
  • Email marketing (82%)
  • Analytics (77%)
  • Marketing automation (68%)
  • Workflow/project management/calendar tools (60%)
  • Content creation/optimization (56%)
  • Content management (56%)

Q3 What should businesses be doing to adapt to those trends?

AI – Create personalized content based on demographics, interests, shopping behavior, location, etc. Here’s a useful post from on AI and Content Marketing.

Voice Search queries are longer (3-5 words) than text search (1-3 words) and are mainly questions.

So you have to optimize your content: ?️‍♂️ Think about the Search Intent.

Aim to get Featured Snippets.

Content marketing isn’t just blogging. Use different channels, formats and mediums to suit your audience and objective. For example:

  • Social media – Instagram had 500 million daily active Stories users worldwide in Jan 2019.
  • Email marketing – Use automation to send timely and relevant content.
  • Podcasting – 70 percent of Americans are now familiar with the term “podcasting” and more than 5 in 10 have listened to a podcast themselves.


  • Augmented Reality (AR) – YouCam Makeup (the award-winning AR beauty app from ) lets users try out various types of makeup.
  • Or what about creating an AR Business Card –> brilliant idea!

It’s about investing in the right content as well as getting NAP correct. Maybe IG stories is good for hairdressing?

Q4 What’s the future of content marketing? What is the industry going to look like in 5 and/or ten years?

Content marketing has to change. Right now content production outweighs demand. We’re in danger of flogging it to death unless we change. As says: “Publish less. Publish well. Publish only when you have something valuable to say.”

Optimize existing content instead of publishing new content. For example:

  • Refresh meta titles and descriptions
  • Improve the quality of the copy including headlines and CTA
  • Check internal and external links
  • Optimize images

Consumers want genuine content, so expect to see more user-generated content (UGC). I like this quote from Mark Schaefer for his new book: ‘Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins’.

“No strategy we employed in the past is likely to work in a world where technology is racing ahead of us. Customers buy based on personal values more than product features.”

I don’t believe it did. But you can freshen up old content as well as producing new content.

New technologies like AI and Bots exist to help us generate useful content that people want. They can complement our efforts to make content more personalized.

Check out the Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic from Scott Brinker

Future Content marketing:

  • People need content to be useful and personal.
  • Use different types and formats of content.
  • Learn from the past and quickly adapt to the present.

Q5 What are your favorite digital marketing tools?

Did someone mention tools!!??

I’m loving this new tool – Remove Image Background – from and also quite impressed with the shareable video tool

Some of my “Tried and Trusted” faves 

Our previous content marketing chats:


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