Links are still crucial for rankings.
While Google is much smarter at identifying real links as well as using other signals (like content relevancy, trust, etc.) link building remains the most important and challenging SEO task.
So how to build links that move the needs and improve your rankings? Let’s discuss
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About @joeytrend
@joeytrend the young CEO and co-founder of Atlanta’s top digital marketing agency, Hum Jam.
When he’s not busy nerding out on SEO, Joey’s nerding out on physical and digital coins.
Connect to Joey on Linkedin!
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become a digital marketer? Please share your career story!
During my younger years I was blessed to have a mentor like @josephskahn. He showed me how to be my own boss at the age of 16 by starting my own social media management business. I’m proud that he is now my business partner at Hum JAM. I owe my whole career to him!
Q2 Why do you think link building is still important?
Link building is still important because that is how you build authority and dominance in your industry or niche.
Links not only give you raw referral traffic, but they are a strong signal to search engines that a web page is relevant and has the authority to speak on the subject at hand. Plus, over time it builds the value of your website.
A2 #vcbuzz – link building will always be important to some degree IMHO. The reason is that @Google will always need a way to establish trust. There may be a lot to watch in this space, but it is definitely a major factor in #SEORANKINGS for sure. @joeytrend
— Joseph S. Kahn | Hum JAM ? (@josephskahn) June 7, 2022
#VCBuzz A2.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) June 7, 2022
Links are important for multiple reasons –
for me the top 3 are:
1) SEO
2) Traffic
3) Brand awareness/perception
In regards to SEO – though G seems to have altered the influence of links over the years,
they still carry influence/value.
Q3 What are link building do’s?
The best advice I could give about something that is a must-do when it comes to link building is networking online. People think that because they are doing their job on the internet, they can spam their links and bypass human interaction.
Before I started networking online I had no idea that you could have such a strong virtual community full of genuine people who support you so freely. With shares, links, everything. Networking is the key! #vcbuzz
— Poulomi Basu (@poulomi_basu) June 7, 2022
No more are the days of spamming links on forums and comments. Share with others and network on social media! You will have many quality backlinks from doing so.
I dunno, I write for Planet Analog and I still see clowns doing this – and the publisher isn’t editing the comments, so, yeah, all the comments on my posts are pure spammed links. Somebody out there is paying for it. #vcbuzz
— Don Dingee (@don_dingee) June 7, 2022
A3 A few ideas for a Link Building to-do list:
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) June 7, 2022
– Aside from knowing your Target Audience
* Create link-worthy content
* Earn links from newsworthy websites
* Direct outreach to credible sources
* Utilize Social Media to backlink to ur content#VCBuzz
#VCBuzz A3.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) June 7, 2022
For me, the most important thing is to define the goal/purpose of the link(s).
After that, it’s look at link prospects, and/or their audience(s).
Then it’s resources – this may range from acquisition budget through to production of resources/content.
#VCBuzz A3.3
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) June 7, 2022
There are huge differences between launching resources for consumer/peer/hybrid audiences to naturally obtain links,
and doing mass outreach for low-hangers such as “404” links.
And manual, cherry-picking outreach or journo-targeting is different still.
Q4 What are the link building don’ts?
Do not stain your website’s authority and trust with a spammy link campaign. Every link builder is not the same. Some people are using tools and strategies from 2010 today in 2022. That stuff does not help anymore. In fact, it hurts now.
Q4 #vcbuzz @vcbuzz – don’t get a link from a neighborhood that doesn’t belong. (i.e. don’t get a link from a dog groomer if you are a pizza shop) – topical relevance makes a major difference.
— Joseph S. Kahn | Hum JAM ? (@josephskahn) June 7, 2022
#VCBuzz A4.3
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) June 7, 2022
Don't harass!
Seriously – no one wants 12 emails in a week, or even a month.
No – don't quit after 1 or even 2 no-opens or no-responses.
But do not send email after email, multiple times a day.
It's not just desperate, sad and pathetic, it's annoying!
Q5 What are your favorite link building tools?
I personally use all the above tools when link building for my top-level #SEO clients, @serpstat, @seopowersuite, @mangools_com, @semrush, and @ahrefs. I use all these tools together. That is what I find is most effective! Get the full picture. Don’t fly blind!
A5 My favorite way to link build is truly direct outreach on the most valuable links available to a business.
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) June 7, 2022
Worked on a HVAC site that sold Mitsubishi products – created a page on Mitsubishi & reached out to them for a link. Worked! Prize link. #VCBuzz
— Amal Ghosh (@AmalGhosh3) June 7, 2022
Bing webmaster#vcbuzz
#VCBuzz A5.
— Lyndon NA (Darth Autocrat) (@darth_na) June 7, 2022
I use both @Semrush and @ahrefs.
And spreadsheets.
And scripting for mass mailings.
And, in some cases, the phone!
But for me, the biggest and most important tool,
is trying to gauge the value by looking and thinking.
Our previous link building chats:
- Tools to Boost Link Building Strategy with Anthony Randall @tonyxrandall
- Setting Up Your Link Building Strategy with Andrew Dennis @AndrewDennis33
- How to Still Build Links (Even in Boring Niches) with @JasonAcidre
- Chatting Links and Relationships with @JulieJoyce
- How to Set Up an Effective Community Management Program w/ Ashley Ward @ashleymadhatter of @SEMrush
- How to Incentivize Bloggers to Promote Your Site w/ Sam Charles @SamCharlesUK