How to Promote a Tweet Chat with Angelica Cordero @matageli #VCBuzz

How to Host a Twitter Chat and Make it a Success with Angelica Cordero @matageli #VCBuzzHosting a Twitter chat is a great way to connect to niche peers and influencers. We know from experience!

We love featuring fellow Twitter chat hosts here at #VCBuzz to give you more opportunities to connect.

Today we are featuring #MobileChat co-host Angelica Cordero @matageli

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Aboutย Angelica Cordero @matageli

Angelica Cordero @matageli is a digital marketing specialist dedicated to fostering user engagement through content production and strategy.

Connect to Angelica Cordero on Linkedin

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become in a digital marketer? Please share your career story!

Working at Apple kept me really connected and up to date on what advancements were going on in the tech world. BUT because I was also interfacing with people every day, I was also learning a lot about adapting messaging to different kinds of people.

It wasn’t until I started working for local photographers to help market their business that I realized that between my college degree in filmmaking and the tech and customer service knowledge I had could be easily adapted to the world of digital marketing.

It really is! I’m naturally drawn to people and technology. Tech gets a bad rap. So does social, but truthfully, some of the most rewarding relationships and experiences I’ve had are because of my career as a digital marketer.

Q2 Why #MobileChat? How and why did you get involved in the project?

At the beginning of really investing in my career, I was avidly going to Twitter Chats EVERY DAY. I still have the Google Calendar that I had set up to remind me of all of the ones I never wanted to miss. had built such a great community in .

Between my love of mobile and constant attendance to #, when the opportunity came up to support as a co-host, I jumped at the opportunity.

You never really know who you’re going to connect with or what opportunities you’ll be presented unless you make yourself known. As would say, .

Q3 How are you managing the chat editorial and marketing? What’s the process of finding topics and getting people involved?

When I first started helping co-host, I really relied a lot on the resources and advice from . They have some VERY helpful templates for planning your Twitter Chat. Here’s one.

I am in the App Store at an obsessive rate, but they have great highlights on apps AND developers that are a great place to start for our niche community of mobile tech.

I’ve also come across great mobile solutions at tech conferences. Also, watching what guests are on other chats and even what people are recommending to their followers is also a great place to find new people to spotlight on our chat.

I’ve even reached out to mobile solution providers because of products I’ve seen on the shelves at stores. And, @Kickstarter. It really is about finding valuable resources that have great content that reach your community. Know your audience and you’ll find guests.

They aren’t joking when they say know your audience or go where your audience is. It’s a mantra every marketer should live by!

Q4 What was the most successful chat so far? What do you think contributed to the success?

This is a tough one to answer because I’ve enjoyed all of the ones we’ve hosted. Having on earlier this year was a great chat. Who doesn’t gravitate to puppies and love? They had great visuals that helped further their chat responses.

We’ve had other chats when our guests have done giveaways. And those have been successful as well!

Q5 What are your favorite digital marketing tools (anything you are using for #MobileChat including editorial, planning, connecting, marketing etc. tools)?

We religiously use to book guests. And of course Gmail and Google Cal!

I almost forgot to mention how grateful we are to @canva and @buffer for being great tools for #MobileChatLive! I also use @CoSchedule and @trello at work! There are so many great tools out there. It’s really hard to pick just one.

Our previous Twitter chat and event marketing chats:


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