Our valued user Wendy Kelly (who just mentioned us in her article) emailed me asking to share her Viral Content Buzz testimonial:
excited about this project. It seems like a great way to make sharing authentic.
I hope this doesn’t come out “wrong” — When VCB was first recommended to me, I didn’t know who you were, or anything about this project. I was wary that it might be something where the sharing was a bit “inauthentic” — so I started out a little unsure. What I have found, though, is a group of really committed people who sincerely do share “good stuff”
Wendy also adds this on Google Plus post:
The longer I use Viral Content Buzz, the more I see how intelligent it is! Great work on a great product.
It’s very rewarding to realize our users love us so much that they are eager to share their positive experience. You rock, buzzers!
***Join Viral Content Buzz!***
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