2017 in Review: Thank You, Our Buzzers! #VCBuzz

vcbuzzThis year we introduced a few important updates to ViralContentBee:

  • We introduced visual tweets allowing our users to upload images to go with every tweet promoting their URL. This way we empowered our users to build more impactful and engaging tweets around their content because visual tweets do work!
  • We offered more transparency when it comes to scheduled and buffered updates allowing our users to see where their projects are scheduled to be shared and even giving them tools to control that, i.e. remove any scheduled share and release credits

Among smaller updates, we increased the tweet character limit, quickly following Twitter news on that 280 character limit.

We also got quite a bit of publicity from our awesome members. Mind you: We don’t have an affiliate program (just yet), nor we ever paid for a single review of Viral Content Bee! These are all totally unbiased unpaid mentions and reviews our users write because they love us! And we just cannot be more grateful!

We made it to TOP lists several times:

Honorable mentions:

Some of Viral Content Bee Reviews This Year:


Viral Content Bee is the free platform for social media sharing helping you get more shares for your high-quality content

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