How to Get Noticed and Advance Your Career with Hannah Morgan @careersherpa #VCBuzz

How to Get Noticed and Advance Your Career with Hannah Morgan @careersherpa #VCBuzzCareer building has changed a lot with the social media revolution. We have so many more opportunities these days, from building personal brand to finding a job across the globe.

How to leverage modern-day technologies for building your career? Let’s discuss!

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About Hannah

A nationally recognized author and speaker on all things job search, Hannah Morgan educates from experience, research and embedding herself in what’s trending in the career industry.

Hannah is the founder of Career Sherpa which blended her career expertise with her love of writing, speaking and social media.

Questions we discussed

Q1 I know your passion for career building has its roots in your childhood (with your father owning a high-level executive search firm), so you’ve watched the industry for years. How has it changed since the days you started following?

I think there are 3 major ways job search has changed.

70-90% of recruiters are researching candidates online. Gives candidates more power!

LinkedIn has radically improved networking and keeping in touch with past co-workers! Keeps us more connected.

ATS (applicant tracking system)s are de-humanizing and ruining the process IMHO! Not to be debbie downer, but it’s true!

Q2 What is personal branding and how does it help one  advance their career?

Personal branding helps people remember you or discover you!

This is the whole logic behind it!

Q3 How can one utilize social media for career building?

Use social media to show you are current in your work by sharing relevant articles, events you attend, projects.

And always be building new relationships (helps keep you learning)

Those who are really serious about this need to start writing/blogging. Start with LinkedIn.

Twitter chats are an excellent way to build brand and awareness! 😉

Even Facebook can be used for career building! You can include a lot of professional info in your bio- work history, skills, etc.

Tap into the power of using links and hashtags! Link back to your website or LI profile! And learn what hashtags are hot.

Q4 How (and why) to create a visual portfolio, i.e. infographic resume?

Images do better on social media so use visuals to show career timeline, skills, achievements and personality.

ONLY USE INFOGRAPHIC RESUMES when networking or interviewing. Not ATS friendly.

Infographic resumes are great for networking, posting within LI profile, sharing on social and during interview!

Anyone can have a personal website today. It’s great SEO/find-ability. LinkedIn can be a portfolio. Also @VisualCV

Yes WordPress!

An online portfolio/personal website may or may not include a blog

Q5 What are your favorite career building and personal branding tools?

Twitter! LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram all great for distributing your message AND building relationships.

I wouldn’t have met the people or gotten the attention without social media!

To find articles to share, use @SmartBrief by following industry news! Use @Feedly to keep track of great publishers/bloggers.

Hootsuite and Buffer are great ways to share status updates in the future to space them out.

More curating tools include Pocket,, Storifyю

Don’t forget little old Pinterest!

I wrote “The Infographic Resume” that has examples and ideas for all types of visual resumes.

And if you are looking for a free class on personal branding, check out this.

Our previous personal branding chats:


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