Traffic Generation Twitter Chat with Sara Duggan @duggansara #VCBuzz

Traffic Generation Twitter Chat with Sara Duggan @duggansara #VCBuzzGenerating traffic is a continuous battle. You need all the resources you can get, so we keep finding new tips and resources to help you!

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About @duggansara

Sara is a Virtual Assistant helping smart bloggers, podcasters, internet marketers, and business owners focus on generating income.

Sara is the author of Your Blog Traffic Checklist (sign up to download!)

Connect to Sara on Linkedin

Questions we discussed

Q1 Please share a few most effective traffic generation tricks that work in most niches?

CoPromoting on sites like ViralContentBuzz, CoPromote, JustRetweet, and HiplayApp have worked for me in a variety of niches.

Pinterest is great for DIY’s and Crafters. When I was blogging about Crochet it was my highest traffic source.

My highest traffic source right now is Facebook followed by StumbleUpon and Twitter.

Q2 How to generate traffic from social media?

For me, Traffic from social media to my blog occurs most when I participate in chats or Facebook

Facebook Groups are where I gain a lot of visits to my blog posts.

I spend 2-hours over the course of a day on Facebook interacting in Groups and getting to know people.

I select groups based on Twitter chats and Blogger niche – using FB search for hashtags and keywords.

Most of my clients are Social Media based so almost 6 hours on various sites under various Personas. For clients and my own an average of 6-hours on social media per day. This isn’t just promo, but interaction.

Q3 What are your favorite traffic generation resources, blogs and mentors?

I have many but some of my top blog traffic mentors are:

  1. Ana Hoffman of Traffic Generation Cafe
  2. Michelle Schaeffer of GirlBloggerNext Door

Most of what I’ve learned about tools and speed in blog promotion are from these two ladies.

Also, Facebook Groups, (lots of great info), Blogger’s Pit Stop, and MyblogU

Q4 What are your favorite traffic generation tools?

  • CoPromote
  • HiplayApp
  • Viral Content Buzz
  • MyBlogU
  • Hootsuite
  • BufferApp
  • Just Retweet
  • SmartPhone with/Apps

Of course commenting on blogs is another ‘tool’ plus a great way to get to know people and collaborate.

Q5 As a virtual assistant you may know lots of get-things-done and productivity tricks. Could you share a few?

I batch tasks and block time. I.e. 1-weeks worth of social graphics can be made in a 1-hour block of time. Pomodoro+Canva. I use templates so this saves a lot of time.

Schedule my weekly social media – leaves me time to socialize and comment on blogs.

Track comments and social shares in a spreadsheet and eliminate what’s not bringing me closer to my goal.

For project management, I use Toggl and color code projects – I’m also a big Google Tools user.

Other virtual assistants like Asana or EverNote to manage clients work. Many of the larger virtual assistants who manage corporations use Basecamp.

I am in one Slack group via This chat and is how I was introduced to it. Haven’t played around with it yet.

Pat Flynn has a number of ‘how I outsource’ posts it shows how he sources to virtual assistants.

Our previous traffic generation chats:


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