How and Why to Create Awesome Social Media Sharing Graphics with @OranaCreative #VCBuzz

How and Why to Create Awesome Social Media Sharing Graphics with @OranaCreative #VCBuzzSocial media marketing cannot exist without graphic design and visual marketing. Let’s talk about graphic design for social media sharing, how to create effective social media graphics, which tools to use, etc.

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About Orana

.@OranaCreative provides graphic design solutions for non-designers. Orana is also building resources for bloggers and entrepreneurs.

Check out Orana’s products and resources at

Questions we discussed

Q1 How did you become a graphic designer? Please describe your career path!

I am a graphic designer out of serendipity! I am an artist and writer and worked 10 years as an FX Makeup Artist.

I think design is one of those things that can be in your blood your whole life!

If anyone is interested, they can see my work as an MUA here.

I was raised by a Graphic Designer mom and learned a lot from her. I knew about logos before I was in elementary school.

After starting my blog, other bloggers starting asking for logos, headers and social media templates. Things just escalated.

I now run an online graphic design biz for bloggers and entrepreneurs. My mission is to teach the importance of a Visual Strategy.

Q2 Let’s talk about the importance of creating good social media sharing graphics. Many people underestimate the importance of visuals in social media marketing. Let’s list some stats and commonsense arguments to convince them otherwise!

Visuals are so important! Online attention span is very short, people scroll fast and images will always catch attentions faster. The scrolling is at lightning speed.

People will retain much longer the info that they see over what they read or even just what they hear! @brainrulesbooks

Did you know? Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images! @hubspot @buffer @twitter

I actually really appreciate @Canva. It’s great for fast design and you can make really nice templates to use many times! I made my lead magnet e-book on @Canva too cause it was so fast! Only problem was the page limit.

You are not the only one. I know quite a lot of people that are more into words.

TIP: Be original! To truly stand out don’t just copy someone else, get inspired instead and create your own masterpiece!

Consider creating infographics for your blog posts or to share interesting information in your niche. Infographics are shared three times more often than other SM Graphics. They are repinned on Pinterest and embedded in articles @hubspot

Q3 What are the elements of a successful social media graphic?

There are 3 main SM Graphics; the FB/Twitter, the Pin and the Instagram. Each a different size but all important!

Oh, I love Flipboard. I “lose” lots of minutes there.

This post will help a lot with figuring out the right size and proportion.

A successful social media graphic is one that makes you stop scrolling! If it makes them click then even better! All your graphics should always have your logo! If it’s a photo then it should have a watermark.

When designing a Pinterest graphic, it’s IMPERATIVE that it is a vertical graphic, no one repins horizontals!

Yes! Еhe logo must always be there.

Еhe logo is in full color and no transparency. A watermark is more subtle so it doesn’t mess with the photo. 🙂  Watermarks also help with meanies stealing your photos!

Q4 How and why should social media graphics be branded?

When you brand your graphics you are making sure that your content is being shared to your advantage.

When using photo backgrounds they should be all similar to each other in style, color and temperature.

Find photos with your brand colors by searching “by color” on free stock site @kaboompics.

Here is a Branding Style Guide Template to fill in and have on hand! via @madeincanva

Yes! Always check the license!

I love @kaboompics @freepikvectors @gratisography.

vQ5 Please list your favorite graphic design tools! How can social media graphics be created as templates?

Using templates makes it a lot easier to stay “on brand” with your graphics. Just switch out the info!

One of my favorite design tools are @Canva for the ease of use and small learning curve. It’s easy to create templates.

As long as it works, right?

Another favorite is @Vismeapp because you can change the length of the graphic as you are designing it.

Another great tool for designing graphics that easily helps you stay on brand is @relaythat.

Here is a fun Blog Post Title template that anyone can use for their blog.

They are free yes. But in different levels. Some only for personal use. Another great one is @rawpixel. @rawpixel is all free and all with commercial license. Those images get used a lot though!

@freepikvectors has some really nice images too. That comes with a commercial license when you have a subscription.

Our previous visual marketing chats:


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