We have already discussed heart-centered entrepreneurship and how to live by what you love to do. Today we welcome an expert who is doing right that!
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About Margie
Margie Analise is Canadian based entrepreneur
Margie is the author of heart-centered entrepreneurship course called Take The Leap Academy
Questions we discussed
Q1 How did you become an online entrepreneur? What’s your career story?
I think like most online entrepreneurs, being an entrepreneur was something I never had dreamed or imagined I’d do.
I jumped from job to job looking for fulfillment. Once I learned how to do the job well, I’d be bored and off I’d go.
I wonder if that sounds familiar to anyone else here? ? I think alot of creative people are that way ?
After climbing the corporate ladder, I was disillusioned – I realized it more about the $ & less about the people.
But the real catalyst was when my sister was diagnosed with a terminal illness. It was life changing for me. Like a lot of people, I realized I wanted to do something meaningful work, & make a real difference for people.
How many here have had a similar journey?
Yep. @MargieAnalise… quite similar. #vcbuzz
— Don Sturgill (@DonSturgill) November 8, 2016
I think when you have a passion in your heart, you long to do something more meaningful for your life’s work ?
Don’t be! Everything is experience! RT @kathrynrenee___: I’m afraid of getting a job after college and becoming bored quickly. #vcbuzz
— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) November 8, 2016
@kathrynrenee___ it might take some time to find the meaning! Never be discouraged! #vcbuzz
— Jessy Troy (@jessytroy) November 8, 2016
Without @SeoSmarty and team on my side, I’d still be punching a clock. #vcbuzz
— Don Sturgill (@DonSturgill) November 8, 2016
Q2 What is heart-centered entrepreneurship? How did you come up with the term?
I can’t take credit for the term “heart-centered. I don’t know who originally coined it, it really resonated with me.
I think “heart-centered” resonates with a lot of #entrepreneurs who are super passionate about what they do. I feel like it describes being “heart driven” vs. “money driven”. Anyone agree?
Absolutely yes!
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) November 8, 2016
@margieanalise For your Q2 b. Yes, totally. If one isn’t passionate about his/her profession, there is not point. #VCBUZZ
— Hassan Aman ® (@hammerlift) November 8, 2016
Exactly Hassan!
Money is only 1 of 5 currencies – Time, Knowledge, Reputation, Contacts, Money – $$ is the least important #vcbuzz
— Phil Turner (@The5Currencies) November 8, 2016
It’s important to do what’s important to YOU. For some, we’re born heart-centered #entrepreneurs, takes awhile to know it.
…@margieanalise I am actually a freelance writer and editor, not more! #vcbuzz
— Jessy Troy (@jessytroy) November 8, 2016
It’s a strange word to apply to yourself in the beginning ? You’ll get comfortable with it ?
Q3 Please describe your course? What’s your favorite tip you give to new entrepreneurs?
Thanks for asking about the new course ? I’m so excited! It’s called Take the Leap Academy ?
I wish I’d had this course starting out – I started out at step 20 instead of step 1 and wasted precious time & energy.
@margieanalise – I love Knowledge the most – Importance of acquiring it AND of passing on yr knowledge #vcbuzz
— Phil Turner (@The5Currencies) November 8, 2016
There seems to be a difference between the entrepreneur & the solo-preneaur #vcbuzz
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) November 8, 2016
Yes, I think for solopreneurs the struggles can be more difficult because they are more isolated.
I was frustrated w/ programs that only taught 1 piece of the puzzle – there is NO one magic answer – it’s a big picture. So I created my own program from all the things I learned, did right and did wrong along the way ?
That is KEY! RT @BRAVOMedia1: @GMezetis @margieanalise We all need support from one another to be successful.
— Margie Analise (@margieanalise) November 8, 2016
Take the Leap empowers #entrepreneurs with confidence, community & the biz knowledge to get their biz growing!
My BEST tip: Don’t try to be like anyone else online. Figure out how you’re different & leverage it – your superpower!
+ Learning is also a win! RT @hammerlift: @margieanalise Live and learn ? You either win or you learn, that’s how it goes. #vcbuzz
— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) November 8, 2016
Another tip: Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs. Support and community are critical for your success! It’s often a surprise that the people we think will support us the most often don’t. Find your tribe & be encouraged!
Q4 So how exactly to “take the leap”? Where to get confidence and inspiration?
To “take the leap” means to decide to stop holding back & go for what you really want your biz and life to look like.
Confidence comes from taking action – it brings clarity too; the more clear you are, the more action you take.
Getting help with a coach or program helps build confidence, b/c you learn what you need to know. That’s empowering.
<3 RT @BRAVOMedia1: @jameelabibi101 @margieanalise Connecting & Sharing! Two GREAT things. Love for that! #vcbuzz
— Margie Analise (@margieanalise) November 8, 2016
When I started out, I was all over the place. Because you don’t know what you don’t know. Anyone else been there?
@The5Currencies @margieanalise #vcbuzz confidence comes from a positive outcome. You have to be innovative every time till you get results
— Jameela Bibi (@jameelabibi101) November 8, 2016
a4 There have been mistakes along the way – things I would have done different, although they’ve been valuable lessons learned. #vcbuzz
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) November 8, 2016
Exactly! Our “mistakes” are what I call “entrepreneur university”. It’s where the real learning takes place
Yes, in the beginning it may seem you have no strategy but you HAVE to do more in order to find your way @margieanalise #vcbuzz
— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) November 8, 2016
I think “seeing” the big picture of how it all works first, makes taking all the right steps easier.
Nobody ever learnt to swim from a book . . . You have to get in and lift your feet off the bottom #vcbuzz
— Phil Turner (@The5Currencies) November 8, 2016
I am a HUGE proponent of action! Strategy will form later. TO start, just do it! #vcbuzz
— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) November 8, 2016
@margieanalise “seeing” is not enough, you have to jump into the water to understand its depth #vcbuzz
— Phil Turner (@The5Currencies) November 8, 2016
Q5 What are your favorite tools that make the life of an online entrepreneur easier?
My most fave tool that I use every day is…. Canva! It makes creating graphics so easy!
Another fave tool is “Call Recorder for Skype”. Its affordable & easy way to record video & audio from Skype.
@hammerlift Love Skype! #vcbuzz
— Debi Norton (@BRAVOMedia1) November 8, 2016
If you’re doing teleseminars & webinars, I love Instant Teleseminar! Very Reliable, affordable & easy to use.
Don’t forget that books are tools too. Be a voracious reader! It creates new ideas and insights.
Our previous entrepreneurship chats:
- Online Entrepreneurship Twitter Chat with Brandon Schaefer @90DayPro #VCBuzz
- Build Up a Blogging Business with @AndyNathan #VCBuzz
- Starting Your Own Ecommerce Business Twitter Chat with @DarrenDeMatas #VCBuzz
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