Twitter Networking Strategy with Josepf Haslam @Josepf #VCBuzz


We are talking about Twitter and how to properly build relationships their with Twitter expert @Josepf but first a couple of reminders:

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About @Josepf

@Josepf is the Godfather of social media and owner of In 2013 @Josepf was named a top 1% of Influencers on Kred. He is director of SEO & Social Media for online colleges at &

@Joseph’s focus has historically been “collaboration, connections and relationships”.

Questions we were discussing

Q1 What was your first social media network you joined? What’s your favorite one nowadays?

Of the current bigs, Facebook, then LinkedIn, then Twitter <– I have a few dozen of those. My original Facebook account got hacked and raided for its Mafia Wars loot though ?

Don’t use Twitter as much as I did, still love it, then LinkedIn, then Instagram, then Pinterest

I am also in LinkedIn at least once a day, typically more ?

#Twitter is great for asking questions, especially if you have a focused group like #BizForum

Q2 What’s your favorite app / tool for interacting on Twitter? Tweetdeck? Do you interact on Twitter using your mobile?

Used to be a huge TweetDeck guy see: #Deathmatch post between Hootsuite & TD

I personally use Hootsuite on Desktop & Phone, hardly ever use Web Interface. I use Lists, Keyword Search, Twitter Chat Hashtags extensively and love Hootsuite’s layout for that…

I do also use @Nimble and @SproutSocial as well as a wide variety of Twitter Tools to be discussed later

Q3 One of my favorite of your articles is “Stop following me” (Looking at your following, I don’t think you were able to convince many people :)) Could you please explain your concept behind Twitter following? Best practices?

Haha, well is a true story from #UsGuys olden days. Typically I will follow-back, but, if I think you’re a spammer then, NO!

Here is another post called #12Most Stupid Twitter Behaviors

I got a lot of flak and support from that post, had to rename it ? I did a #Video Recant of the Rant. Honestly, I am behind on Follows and trying to build my personal account, too busy at work ?

If you follow me today though I promise to follow back!

It is MUCH more difficult to get Reach and Exposure on Facebook vs. Twitter without paying for it!!!

First, look at their timeline. Other SPAMMER red flag: Auto-DMs, Lots of Links, low follower vs. followed, Broadcasts w/o engagement

Do NOT be an egghead, get yourself a picture! #1 sign you’re probably a spammer

Q4 What are your favorite Twitter analytics/analysis tools? Do you believe in influence-measuring tools (Kred, Klout, etc)?

Was originally part of #KloutSquad but honestly think they missed the boat

If you twisted my arm I’d say look at Kred, mine here.

Fav Tools: @SocialBro, @Commun_it, @CrowdBooster, The Archivist, TwentyFeet… would add MentionMap and Twitonomy to that list as well

If @SocialBro would PLEASE give me a discount I’d promote the heck out of their tool. @SocialBro is great, but, for me as an individual very expensive

Q5 Are you often invited to Twitter chats? Do you have your own tips on making the most of Twitter chats?

I’ve co-hosted a number of Twitter Chats and participate in many. As a co-host I highly recommend preparing ahead of time!

My “answers” to the main questions for today were all prepared ahead of time.

Preparing for Twitter Chats ahead of time allows me to answer questions!

Using a tool, not the Twitter Web, is the best way to participate in any Chat, I’m liking the TwChat interface

TwChat works well because it threads you in the chat and populates the hashtag AND shows your mentions

#BizForum, #AtomicChat, #BlogChat, #LeadFromWithin, #Leadershipchat, #MMChat, #TChat, and #BufferChat

Q6 Please tell us a few words about your Twitter course and how it can help our followers!

I developed the course to help people use Twitter for Business as opposed to personal use

For friends of @SEOSmarty use coupon code Smarty20 to get the course for only $20!

I have to credit @MatthewLiberty for encouraging me to make the courses!

I answer questions from Students on @Udemy and will always help out a Student! @seosmarty Ann took the course and added a great review

I built the course because there is an Art & Science to using Twitter for Business and I show you both.

Have several other Social Media Mastery courses on Udemy — send me a note and I’ll let you into all of them for same code

I show you how to use MANY PowerTools to make Twitter very effective and useful

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